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Our Paint Editorial

In the May 15 issue oI The Cclilornitr Lumber Merchqnt crppecned cr pcrint merchcndising editoricrl by Jcck Diorure entitled "The Lumber Merchcrnt Is the Best Paint Merchcrnt." It crttrcrcted wide cttention, crnd the Ncrtionql Pcint, Valzrish & Lccquer Association immedictely riprinted cnrd distributed it with high commendation.

Then the Nctionql Retail Lumber Decrlers Associctiott under the sigrncrture ol Don A' Ccrmpbell president, reprinted cnd distributed it to lumber decrlerE cll over the country.

On September 7, the Nctioncl Pcrint, Varnish & Lcrcquer Associction in its officicrl bulletin ccrlled "The Open Door," uses tr two pcrge center sprecd boosting this editoricrl. On the right hcnd side is cr reprint of the editoricl. On the other Eide is cr lull pcge letter written by President Ccrmpbell to his members, which recds as follows:

"Recogmizing the fact thct Our Declers qre continucrlly on the lookout lor Prolit Items in Line with the Lumber Business, cnrd keeping laith with you in fuffilling in pcrt our promise to keep the Lumber Deqler inlormed on Ncrtion<rl Activities, we <rrd enclosing cr reprint ol crn editoricl by lcrck Dionne.

"The Ncrtioncl Pcrint, Varnish d Lccquer Association, seeing its vchie hcs made copies ol this crvcrilcrble to cll Lumber Decrlers cnrd they cre now recrdy.

-I wish thcrt every decrler in the country who does not hcnrdle pcrint could recd this qnd give it <r EiaL tr this dcry oI chcrnge we qre more thcnr ever conlronted with the Completed Unit Idec ol selling ccrd Our Line is not complete until it hcrg been trected in eome waY bY Pcint Products. Eye Appecl mecrns c lot more to the cvercge Customer thcn cnything else cmd it is to this Customer thct we crre going lor our business'

*Paint is right up our crlley, it is cr kindred product cmd it logically belongs to us. We cne rcrpidly repkrcing the Old Corner Drug Store crs Hecdqucrrters lor Pcint. In some Com' urunities that I know oI, Pcint ia only sold through Lumber Declers. In my own little buEi'' ness, ;xrint cccounted lor l0% ol my totcrl ecles lcst yecrr, cnrd has done thct since I st<rrted in business The per cent oI profit wcrs even greuter, cmd thtrt is whct we cre qll interested in mosL


"The only sugrgestion that I could crdd to l<rck's cnticle would be thct he use the words 'Good Pcrinf instecrd oI iust Pcrint.

"It's <r grcmd story, it's c profii line, cnd it still lets you keep your identity ct c Lumber Merchcrnt. Iot's expose crll our Declers to this crticle cmd I leel sure thct in so doing we will point the wcry to cr better profit crt the end of the yecn."

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