1 minute read

Short Lengths from the Retail Yards

Beaunront Flardlvare and Lumber Company, Beaurnont, has started construction on a llew building at its yard which is expected to be completed by November 1. The building will have 2,600 square feet of floor space, with an office in the rear. The Beaumont Hardware store will be moved into the building rvhen cornpleted.

A. J. Newberrl' has been appointed manager of the Arcadia Lumber Cornpany at Arcadia, Calif. Mr. Ner,""'berry was formerly in the lumber business in Texas, and for the past fir'e months has been associatecl lvith the Arcadia Lumber Company. L. C. Robertson is owner of the yard.

Diamond Match

Upper Lake yard of Dodge will continue

Company, Chico, has purchased the the lVillits Lumber Company. Clair as manager of the yard.

George A. Swift, Swift Lumber returned from a fishing trip to Gold

Amos Geib, Geib is on a tu'o weeks'

Co., Long Beach, has Beach, Oregon.

Lumber Company, Huntington Park, trip to Minnesota.

Central Commercial Company at Kingman, Ariz. 'fhey also mining timber stock. H. I\feier has opened a retail yard carry a complete line of is manager of the yard.

Why NQYOl"z

C. F. Reeder, manager of the Peoples Lumber Co. yard at Fillmore, attended the meeting of the League of California Lunicipalities at San Jose on September i3, 14 and 15. Following the meeting he spent a few days in the San Francisco bay district, and also visited Martinez, his old home town. Mrs. Reeder made the trip with him.

A. E. Fickling, Long Beach retail lumbermen, is a member of the Federal grand jury that will serve during the fall term in Los Angeles. The Federal grand jury will serve until next February.

W. A. Garmon, manager of the Hayward Lurnber & Investment Co. yard at Bloomington, has been transferred to the Banning vard, and Clyde Thompson, manager of the Banning yard, has bcen sent to the yard at Bloomington.

A. L. Rogers, Hyde Park Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is on a trip to the Northwest where he is visiting his brother at Wenatchee, Wash. He will be back at his desk around the first of October.

R. W. C. Shull, president of J. & W. C. Calif., and Mrs. Shull, are on a vacation They will return by way of Boston, New phia, and other eastern points.

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