3 minute read

Studio Buys 2,ooo Logs to Buifd Frontier Town For Film Scenes

Los Angeles \Tholesale Lumber Dealer Takes Contract ro Deliver the Loss on Lccotion in Two Weeks

Difficult problems in the way of hard specifications often confront the wholesale lumber dealer, requiring quick thinking and fast action.

An outstanding example of a wholesaler's efficiency and resourcefulness occurred recently when Dick Wilde, purchasing agent for RKO-Radio Studio called up W. E. Cooper, Los Angeles wholesale lumber dealer, saying they wanted Z,mO logs in a hurry, two weeks to be exact, and asking if it could be done.

A. N. Sanders, sales manager for W. E,. Cooper, who got the call about 5:30 p.m. just as he was leaving the office, told the studio it would take a month to. get the logs from Oregon by water. The Cooper organization worked fast, found out they could get the logs and took a contract to deliver them at the l-ake Sherwood location for the picture "Alleghany Frontier" in two weeks. They got splendid cooperation from Byles-Jamison Lumber Company of Fresno, who put a large crew of loggers to work lvithout delay in their woods on Pine Ridge, about 60 miles from Fresrio.

The first load of logs, which were White Fir and ranged in length from 24 to 60 feet, was delivered on the location five days from the time the order was taken, and the last load was signed for by the studio u,ell within the two weeks time limit-a neat job.

The timber was used in constructing a stockade and log cabins of pre-Revolutionary period. "Alleghany Frontier" is a story based on the first uprising in the United States, among early Pennsylvanians about the year 1260. It will feature John Wayne, Claire Trevor and Bob Burns.

During the two weeks 60 truckloads of logs were brought the 280 miles from Pine Ridge without a mishap of any kind. Mr. Sanders, asked how far the logs would reach if placed end to end said he didn't know the answer to that one, but that by a very simple calculation he figured that if one truck had hauled all of the logs the sixty round trips of 560 miles each would have totaled 33,600 miles, or approximately one and one-third times around the earth !

Douglas Building Modernized

The Douglas Building, 257 SouIh Spring Street, Los Angeles, is owned and operated by lumbermen, and when it was recently modernized lumber played an important part. The main lobby and elevators have been attractively finished in White Oak to harmonize with the White Oak doors and trim used throughout the building.

The building rvas constructed by the late Thomas D. Stimson, who came to Los Angeles from Michigan where he had been engaged in the lumber business. He was also interested in the lumber business in the Northwest. His sons and grandsons have been prominent lumbermen in Washington and Oregon for many years. One of their interests is the Stimson Mill Co., at Seattle, Wash. The Douglas Building is still owned by the Stimson family.

Thorpe Babcock, former lumberman, is manager of the building. He was formerly secretary of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and managed the North Western Lumber Co. mill at Hoquiam, Wash., for about twelve years. For the past several years he has managed property in Los Angeles, including the Douglas Building, where he has his office. Mr. Babcock is always glad to have his lumbermen friends drop in and see him.

San Francisco Visitor

C. L. Hubbell, sales manager of Big Lakes Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., lvas in San Francisco, for a ferv days on business on his way back from an Eastern trip.

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