4 minute read

The Creation of Active Prospects

By Jock Dionne

Every person in your trcrde territory who could benefit through the use oI your goods is cr potenti<rl or pcrssive prospect.

The chcrnge oI cr PASSIVE prospect into an ACflVE prospect is the chcnge lrom "being" to "doing",' trom "retrogression" to "prognession"; from "Iailure" to "Prosperity."

A certain volume ol business qutomcticqlly develops. Except under temporcrry qnd crbnormcrl conditions, this is not enough io produce substnnticl prosperity, cnrd the dillerence beiween thcrt level cmd the level which meqns consistent prosperity is the pcrt thct must be crected.

You cqn wcit until the pressure ol circumstcnces vitclizes the potenticlity into cctivity-until the lqteni need becomes qn cctive wcrnt---cnd is mcnilested by cn expressed request lor your goods.

This is the techniccl method oI describing the mcnner in which mtrny lumbermen "wcrit lor business to turn up"-it is the modus vivendi non opercndi oI those who cre content to be mere distributors ol merchcrndise-mere loccl storehouses-mere "retcil lumbermen"-mere 1939 models oI Micawber.

Recollect thtrt you never hcrve and never will sell cmy goods to the PEOPIEyour scles crre <rlwcrys mcrde to cn INDIVIDUAL.

So "crctive prospect" mecrns "individucrl cctively interested in c purchcrse oI your goods."

Your genercl crdvertieing INTERESTS the PEOPLE; it very rcrrely mqkes cs complete scrle to an individucl.

True, it mcy cct cs the lcst lincl crrgument ihqt turns qn "qlmost persucded" prospect into crn immediate buyer-but such ccaes cre rcrer your genercl cdvertising must be considered <rs consistently educcrtional.

To translorm c pcrssive prospect into qn crctive one, you must therelore crct directly on lhe INDTVIDUAL, cnd this becomea more ecrsy to do the more you CONCENTNATE ON fiIAT IIVDTVIDUAT.

Such inlormqtion, Ior excmple, cs is to be lound in c properly kept PROSPECT CHART will give you cll the working mcrtericl needed,'cnd to the extent you USE thcrt mctericrl depends the rcpidity cnrd the succeas with which you will work this trcrnslormqtion.

When you hcve tcrken cn individuql out oI the crowd, cnd mcde him THINK of something he can build, you hcrve lhen put him in the mind ol "spending money," cnrd thct cttitude will mcke him qn ecsier prospect lor crll others who hcve something to sell to him.

Your indiccrled qction then is to keep thcrt mcnis mind so interested in YOIIB product ihcrt he will give but cr divided qitention to the claims of other crticles.

To do this is cr line qrU qnd it is the most profitcble pcrt of your business qctivities, for your business prosperity depends on the SALES YOU MAKE, cnrd not on the mere Icct thqt you are "in business."

Here is where the PROSPECT CHABT shows its vclue,' qt leqst the inlormcrtion it holds, ccll it by whct n&me you will.

A glcnce over whct I sqid cbout the PROSPECT CHABT will reccll to your mind the ncture oI the datc it will give you-dctcr thqt will enqble you to concenlrqte on that INDIVIDUAT crnd to hold his mind lixed on YOIIB GOODS so strongly thqt other clcims by other crticles will lcril to distract him.

Then, cnrd properly not uniil you hcrve so fixed his qttentiorl you will present the crrguments of TIME<I EXPEDIENCY-which will mcke him crct NOW.

Much Activity Reported by Hobbs, \(/all & Co.

"Our truck delivery service recently inaugurated in the San Francisco Bay area takes care of a long felt want alnong the retail trade, and many dealers have already expressed their appreciation of this added service," said John Rhoda, plant superintendent of Hobbs, Wall & Company, San Francisco, recently.

"Business is very active with us and the plant is working full capacity, n.ot only with local business but supplying Eastern orders. We carry approximately 10,000,000 feet of dry upper grades of Redwood at all times in San Francisco. Our large shed space enables us to keep a complete stock of all rvorked uppers, rustics and sidings for immediate delivery. Many of our customers around the Bay depend on Hobbs, Wall & Company and their complete milling facilities for special items which the average dealer is not able to carry in stock."

Mr. Rhoda, by the way, is commonly known as John to most of the retail lumber dealers around San Francisco. When they want some special item in a hurry it is usually a case of "ask John," and it can be said his telephone is a busy one.

Charles H. Jonas is managing director of Hobbs, Wall & Company. He is assisted by Lewis Godard, sales manager.

Lumber is supplied from their Del Norte operation at Crescent City, Calif., where they have large timber holdings, and brought to San Francisco on their own fleet of lumber schooners.

The San Francisco plant is at 2350 Jerrold Avenue.


Mrs. Joseph Heyfron, secretary for the past i5 years to Larue Woodson of' Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, San Francisco, recently resigned her position to devote her full time to taking care of her home.

Formerly Miss Mae Hendricks, she was well acquainted rvith a great many retailers over the telephone, knew her business thoroughly and was most efficient.

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