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112 MARKET STREETGArfield t8o9SAN FRANCTSCO PORTLAND OFFICE: 6408 S.V. Burlingame ATwater 7866

East B.y Club Elects Officers Hears FHA Speakers

Officers for the coming year were elected and installed at the dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held at Lake Merritt Hotel, Oakland, September 18.

J"r. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, was chosen as president; Tom Branson, Melrose Lumber & Supply Co., Oakland, was elected vice-president; Carl R. Moore was re-elected secretarv-treasurer. and G. W. Se-

LOS ANGET,BS OFFICE: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PRocpect 8843 ing Division for the 11 Western states, spoke on the requirements for this type of housing. christ, Loop Lumber

Douglas S. Manuel, executive assistant of the FHA, San Francisco, explained the new regulations covering Class 3, Title I loans, and answered a number of questions.

M. E. Wank of Wank & Wank advertising agency, San Francisco, who has charge of the advertising for the Better Housing Committee, outlined the program of this organization which is directing the operation of the FHA Home Service and Information Bureau, with offices in the Ray Building, t924 Broadway, Oakland.

Bert Bryan, vicegerent snark for Northern California, announced that a Hoo-Hoo Concatenation will be held in Oakland in the near future. He urged all old members to reinstate.

& Mill Co., Alameda, was appointed

The new directors are Wm. Chatham, Jr., Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda; A. D. Williamson, California Builders Supply Co., Oakland; H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., Lincoln Lumber Inc., Oakland; E. J. La Franchi, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, and Don Ceveney, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland.

The retiring president, Shirley C. Forsey, presided. He was presented by H. Sewall Morton, in behalf of the Club, with a beautiful white gold Elgin watch.

John E. McGovern, in charge of the FHA Rental Hous-

There was a large attendance of members, and of dealers in other building materials and contractors, who were invited to attend.

H. Coor-Pender Makes New Connection

Howard Coor-Pender, first vice-president and general manager of the Graves Company, Los Angeles, resigned effective September 15 to join the MacDougall Door & Plywood Co. of Los Angeles.

Mr. Coor-Pender was with the company for eighteen years, and for the past several years was general manager. He is widely known in lumber and millwork circles in California.

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