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Wholesale Lumber

Mill Shipment or Jobbing-Truck Service to Yard or Job from Stock

Fir, Redwood and Ponderosa Lumber Shakes-Lath-Shingles

Redwood Logs and Split Stock

San Francisco

1E00 Army Street

ATwater 1300

"Ifie triendly Yards of Personsl Seruice"

A Salute to Cecil Wetzel and Ellis \7ood

We salute Cecil Wetzel and Ellis Wood, California lumbermen, who rescued little Marc de Tristan, 3-year-old son of Count and Countess Marc de Tristan of Hillsborough, Calif., and captured his abductor, Sunday, September 22. The people of the nation rejoiced at the news that the baby had been found and was safe and well.

Mr. Wetzel is the owner of the Omo Lumber Co. at Omo Ranch, Eldorado County, Calif., in the High Sierra. It was near there that Mr. Wetzel and Ellis Wood, another lumberman, came upon the kidnapper. They took the man and the child to River Pines near Aukum and in a short time the country knew that the baby had been rescued and his abductor, Wilhelm Jakob Muhlenbroich, was in the custody of the G-men.

Countess de Tristan, the baby's mother, is the daughter of the late Edwin Christenson, founder of Sudden & Christenson, nationally known lumber and shipping firm.

San Francisco Firm Moves

McCormick Piling & Lumber Co. recentlv moved from 461 Market Street to the Fife Building, 1 Drumm Street, San Francisco. The telephone number, DOuglas 4211, is unchanged.

It is interesting to note that Mr. McCormick is no stranger to the Fife Building, his company having moved in when the building was new, shortly after the San Francisco fire, remaining there for a n,umber of years.

News Flashas

9th Avenue Pier Hlgate 2255

Carl R. Moore, Oakland, was a recent Southland visitor where he vacationed for a week in San Diego. Mrs. Moore and their son accompanied him.

Ross Blanchard, Blanchard Lumber Company, North Hollywood, is in the East and plans to take in the World's Series baseball games.

Stuart Smith, Fountain-Smith, San Francisco visitor. Los Angeles, was a recent

W. B. Jones Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has purchased a new GMC truck and trailer which they will use in hauling lumber from Los Angeles Harbor.

A. M. Sparling, field engineer, Pacific Coast Shingle Inspection Bureau, Inc., Seattle, has been in Southern. Californria the past two weeks calling on the trade.

Brooks Lumber Company has succeeded stead Lumber Co. at Safford, Arizona. the J. D. Hal-

Sam S. Steinhauser of the firm of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Honolulu, sailed from Los Angeles on September 20 after spending several weeks on the Pacific Coast between Los Angeles and Seattle. He was accompanied on the trip by his wife.

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