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Stemer'Port Orford"
49th Hoo-Hoo Annual Convention
The 49th annual convention of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo was held l\{onday and Tuesday, September 9-10 at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago. The attendance was about 100, including nine kittens inducted into the order at a concatenation held on Monday evening. The rneeting'was the first of its kind since L932, and, signalizes the accomplished fact of the revival of the Order.
The first session was called to order on Monday morning by George W. Dulany , Jr., 9967, Snark of the lJniverse. In keeping with tradition, Mr. Dulany opened the meeting by introducing the oldest members present' First honors went to J. F. Judd, 94, a Texan who was initiated in Septdmber, 1892. The other old-timer honored was E. Munger, 414, LaFayette, Indiana, who was initiated in February, 1893'
Five past Snarks present were introduced and included Alton J. Hager, 32140, Lansing, Mich.; Arthur A. Hood' 325LL, New York, N. Y.; Melvin M. Riner, 6149, Kansas City, Mo.; Franklin A. Hofheins, 32687, Bufialo, N' Y.; Benjamin F. Springer, 34265. The chairman stated that Frank W. Trower,12835, Oakland, Calif., is the oldest living past snark. A telegram was read from W. A. Priddie, lD,Beaumont, Texas.
S. L. Boyd, lN/ president of the corporation' was represented by T. T. Jones, L-31233, vice-president of the corporation, who stated that all the corporation officers were getting much satisfaction out of seeing the Order coming back to strength and prominence.
W. M. Wattson, 327n, secretary, Minneapolis, Minn., reported his work briefly, stating that "Today the Order is on a stronger and better basis than ever before, and both the caliber and the number of me'mbers, as well as the financial security of the Order definitely shows strength of the kind that insures progress in the future."
An enthusiastic greeting was tendered to Martin J. M"Donald, 27358, Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada, Mr. McDonald represented Jurisdiction No. 5, which embraces all of Canada. Recently, he was appointed to the Canadian War Industries Board as chairman in the Thunder Bay district for the procurement and inspection of lu'mber for war work.
The afternoon session was devoted to reports from representatives of the nind jurisdictions, and from representatives of various associations in the lumber indttstrv, including E. L. lA/ales, 45412, Spokane, Wash.; D. S. Montgomery, 30285, Junior Hoo-Hoo, Milwaukee, Wis.; D. Carlyle Maclea, 45039, Scrivenoter, Balti'more, Md.; H. A. Crane, 3DO6, Baltim,ore, Md.; J. B. Harvey, 45131, Washington, D. C.; Martin J. McDonald, 27358, Canada; U. M. Carlton, L-31882, Jabberwock, Cambridge, Mass.; F. W. Stanley, 3648, Fort Worth, Texas; M. P' Klumph, Cleveland, Ohio, National Association of Commission Lurmber Salesmen; Loring F. Overman, Washington, D. C', Na-