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Wants Position
Lumberman wants position with wholesale or retail concern in the metropolitan Los Angeles district. Ten years' retail and wholesale lumber experiencegeneral office work, bookkeeping and typing. Last four years with Los Angeles lumber firm. Address Box C-837, California Lumber Merchant.
In Southern Arizona a general building material yard including buildings. Wish to retire on account of ill health. Address Box C-838 California Lumber Merchant.
Position With Wholesaler Wanted
Lumberman, 36 years old, married, not afraid of hard work, wants position with wholesaler. Knows the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley trade. Can furnish best of references. Address Box C-839, California Lumber Merchant.
New Yard Near Richmond
A new yard has been opened by Richmond Lumber Company, Inc., on Giant Road, one and a half miles north of Richmond, Calif. The yard is on a four-acre site with spur track and is handling a full line of lumber, building materials, sash, doors and millwork.
The mill is housed in a steel building with concrete floor, 70 by 150 feet. A new office building is in course of construction.
Francis Hughes, president and general manager of the corporation, was with El Cerrito Lumber Co. for the past seven years and has had 18 years'retail lumber experience in the district.
Reedley Yard Sold
The yard of the Western Lumber Co., Reedley, has been purchased, effective. October l, by Citizens Lumber Co., Kingsburg.
Salinas Yard Makes Improvements
Eastside Lumber Co. recently built a new office, store, moulding rack and shed at their yard at Williams Road and Quilla Street, Salinas, Calif.
Retires From Business
Wingland Lumber Company, Bakersfield, is selling out their stocks and will retire from business, according to the announcement of Edward Kirschenman. They will devote their attention to their agricultural interests.
Position Wanted
Wide-awake, all-around man. Now manager of small yard in Southern California Experienced sales' man, estimator, credits, bookkeeper, all-around office man. Will accept subordinate position with opportunity. Will go anywhere. Age 45, excellent health. Address Box C-835, California Lumber Merchant.
'We want to exchange sash, doors, frames and millwork for about a 3-ton truck.
Arrow Sash, Door & Mill Co.
11 North Angeleno Ave. Burbank. Calif.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Going And Coming
Fred Holmes of Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.. San Francisco, was a member of a party of 10 enthusiastic fishermen headed by Bill Dillon of the Southern Pacific Milling Co., San Francisco, who left September 26 on their annual two weeks' steelhead fishing trip on the Klamath River. Up there away from war news and telephones they will concentrate on going after the big ones.
F. Dean Prescott of Valley Lumber and Mrs. Prescott have returned from the Pacific Northwelst.
Company, Fresno, a vacation trip to
H. B. Hewes left San Francisco September 27 f.or his home in Jeanerette, La. He made the trip by automobile.
Remodeling Large Kitchens
Large kitchens in the old-fashioned home may be readily remodeled so as to afford greater efficiency and to aid in the creation of neu' units which will add to the comforts of the home, according to FHA officials. Condensing of cooking, cleaning, and storage sections in an old-type kitchen into a modern compact group will allow considerable space which may be made into any one of the following uses: Dining alcove, household office with planning desk and telephone extension, pantry, storeroom, downstairs lavatory, closet, breakfast nook, or powder room. Such conversions may be made with funds obtained from qualified lending institutions under the Modernization Credit Plan of the Federal Housing Administration.