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California Building Permits for August
Edward D. Kingsley
Edward D. Kingsley, president of Kingsley Lumber Co. and E. D. Kingsley Lumber Yards, Portland, Oregon, passed away September 4, following a three months' illness. Ife was 72 years of age.
Mr. Kingsley was born in Freeport, Illinois, June 12, 1868. He went to school there and at Washington lJniversity, St. Louis, and was in the grain business in Nebraska before coming to Portland in 1900. He organized the West Oregon Lumber Co. in Portland in 1900 and was president until 1935, when he for.med his own comp:rny, the Kingsley Lumber Co. at Linnton. Several years before that time, the E. D. Kingsley Lumber Yards with retail lumber yards at Portland and Milwaukee, Oregon, was organized.
He was a former president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and was a director of the Douglas Fir Export Company for many years.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Charlotte Kingsley, a daughter, Mrs. Medford Reed of Hood River, and a son, G. A. Kingsley of Portland.
lrving L. Blinn
Irving L. Blihn, retired lumberman, passed away in Los Angeles on September 19. He had been a resident of Los Angeles for many years, and was the son of the late L. W. Blinn, pioneer California lumberman.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Harriett Blinn, and a son, L. W. Blinn II of San Francisco, who is with The Pacific Lumber Company.
Funeral services were held in Los Angeles, September 21.
Charleg T. O'Connor
Charles T. O'Connor, San Francisco wholesale lumberman, passed away at his home in Millbrae, Calif., on September 15.
He was 43 years old and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Marie E. O'Connor. Before engaging in the wholesale lumber business some years ago he was sales manager for the Shaw-Bertram Lumber Co. of Klamath Falls, Calif. He came to California from Pittsburgh, Pa., where he was with the Germain Lumber Co.
Myer Hyman
Myer Hyman, for the last twenty-one years a lumber dealer at Riverbank, passed away in Oakland on August 20. Hd was a native of Russia, coming to this country as a youth he became a business man and orchardist, own'ing two peach orchards in the Riverbank area.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bessie Hyman, and three daughters. Funeral services were held in Oakland August 22.
Grayes Flat Type

Sash Balance & Glides for Double Hung lVindows
Manutcclurcn ol $rh Balancer
Douglcs Fir and Ccrlilornicr Pine
Pcrnels -Concrete FormQ. C. Sto*
Verticcrl Grain Fir qnd Lauan