5 minute read
Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
tional 'Wooden Box Association; Ormie C. Lance, Northwestern Lunrbermen's Association and Harold Crosby, Northern Hardwood & Hemlock Manufacturers Association.
Mr. Tate Defends the Industry
I. N. Tate, 18463, St. Paul, Minn., asked to speak for the 'West Coast Lumbermens Association, stated that he was not authorized to do so, but that he would venture a few general remarks, having nothing to do with any association.
"The lumber industry," he said, "is in an emergency, just as.everyone else is. Ours has some added complications. 'We are being criticized because there has been a small advance in prices. Perhaps 7O per ceht of the mills could make a little money on the scale before the rise set in. To get maximum production, however, the 3O per cent of marginal mills had to have a little better price, and if the demand for defense rvork is going to be as great as indicated, we must have the output of these marginal mills. We have tried to stop a runaway market, and I think we have it under control."
Mr. Tate lauded a number of progressive moves under way by various associations in the industry, and concluded with the remarks that "The rvay to run a Hoo-Hoo cl,ub is first to have three or four devoted souls who will keep the ball rolling. Then have some real objectives besides fun and entertainment, objectives such as improved salesmanship, Tested Selling Methods courses, the local real estate tax problem. This last is important enough a,nd vital enough for any Hoo-Hoo club to rally around."
A message from L. J. Woodson, 2&94, Arcanoper, San Francisco, rep,orted some very fine concatenations during the past year. A telegram from W. W. Woodridge, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, was read.
Thi.s concluded the business of the afternoon session which was followed by a concatenation in which nine kittens were initiated. The ritual was followed by a banquet and show.
Program for Year's Activities
At the Tuesday session E. L. Wales, chairman of a committe for suggestions for the good of the Order, proposed the following prog'ram for the year:
1. Push all nine national and local objectives, as follows:
(1) Building codes; (2) Modernizing; (3) Architectural contracts; (4) Wood-users meetings; (5) Consumers counsel; (6) Defense; (7) Publicity and education;
(8) Activities sponsorship; (9) Related industries cooperation.
2. Have the secretary call on as many local clubs as time and circumstances will permit.
3. Give an award to the group that shows the greatest improvements during the year, the award to be based on:
(a) Percentage increase in membership.
(b) General contributions for the good of the Order.
(c) Participation in local activities and community projects.
4. Continue the distribution of the Hoo-H'ooter, now issued in conjunction with the Twiir Cities Hoo-Hoo Club, to contain news of thd International Order, and issue an International Bulletin when it becomes possible to do so. The report was adopted.
(Continued on Page 27)
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Hoo-Hoo Annual Convention
(Continued from Page 25)
Snark Dulany Re-elected
The following officers were ele'cted for the coming year: Srrark of the Universe-George W. Dulany, Jr.,9967 Clinton, Iowa.
Senior Hoo-Hoo-Don S. Montgomery, 3085, Milwaukee, Wis.
Junior Hoo-Hoo-H. R. Dixon, 44248, Spokane, Wash. Scrivenoter-U. M. Carlton, L-31882, Cambridge, Mass. Bojum-Martin J. McDonald, 27358, Port Arthur, Ont., Canada.
Jabberwock-L. J. Woodson, 26494, San Francisco, Calif. Custocatian-P. A. Hayward, 44855, Washington, D. C. Arcanoper-Roy O. Kendall, 3m7, Oklahoma City, Okla. Gurdon-J. M. Ransom, D2L4, Memphis, Tenn.
Resolutions Are Adopted
M. M. Riner, chairman of the resolutions committee offered the following resolutions, all of which were adopted:
1. Resolved that the meeting sta,nd in silent tribute to deceased brothers.
2. Extended thanks and appreciation to reorganization committee, to Ben Springer, to Secretary W. M. Wattson, and to 1940 officers.
3. Resolved that the convention was well worth while, and gave thanks and appreciation to arrangements committee, to program comrnittee and to Milwaukee degree team.
Resolved that thanks be extended the trade press for cooperation throughout the year.
4. Resolved to approve suggestions made to support all worthwhile lumber trade promotional activities.
Mr. Dulany was then made Rameses 38, and presented with a ring by A. J. Hager.
F. C. Hole was called upon for some observations, and replied by lauding the Spokane Club for the splendid work they have done in providing housing for widows with children, and for their interes,t in Boy Scout work.
Just prior to adjournment, Martin J. McDonald, sole Canadian representative at the meeting, presented the Order with a Canadian flag. In accepting, Mr. Dulany assured him of the wanm friendship of all Americans for their Canadian neighbors, and that the flag would be displayed with our colors in all national conventio,ns.
A luncheon meeting concluded the program. Here, I. N. Tate, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, was the principal speaker, his subject being, "What of the Future?" In closing his address Mr. Tate said:
"I do ,not know a more inspiring story than the present story of lumber; or any story that so ne'eds to be told. Nor do I know any organization so well equipped to tell it, or more selfishly interested in telling it, if you wish to approach it from the selfish angle.
"Inevitably, f come back to the fact that the crying need of our industry is salesmanship. Better selli,ng of our product; better selling of the lumber story to a nation that should know that story for its own good. We are the salesmen who must do this tremendous selling job.
"What of the Future ? Is the Lumber industry worth saving? The only question is whetheh we have the "intelligent courage" to save it."
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