1 minute read
Thir Conpany prider itrclf upon itr capa' city of ecting ar a building couucl for young marricd people. The beautiful homer of thir conmunity are e fittiag teltimonial to what har been accomplirhed in thc pa:t.
Bring thir certificate to our office any timc within one ycer and it will be redeened for $10.1X) in trade. We hope you will aveil yourrelver of thio opportunity vGry roon. 'llfith mort elicerc wieher for'your future happinctr.
For in ar nuch ar it prevaleth fron a very old cuctom,.o let thir nercnger be intmrtcd to advire you. Fold
That the aanouncemcnt of your recent wedding waa I tourcc of plearure to all who have the intereeta of thie community at heart. M"y you, therefore, prorpe'r with all of Portcrville.