4 minute read
Wirtifl thirty ilays we viII haye our fust carload of McDougaII Kitchen Cobinets in our rr.arehouse,, aruI aiII be ready to tahe care of orderc. We ktenil mailing (nt armouncement to all the traile in Soutlrern Califomia, telling in iletail of the advalages to the buililinr matedal merchant, of this nev proiluct, anil exteniling an invitation to visit our neat warehouse anil lactory at2l20 East 25th Stteet nlhere we have installeil an exhibit that is well worth seeing.
llgmsmlsl-Glosby anil Compan! are excluive ilistributors of the McDougall Kitchen Cobinets.
fAis is the only built-in compl.ete cabinet in this moftet ond will talge the traile by storm. S;x dirtrnct moilels, embracing arcry iletail possible to incluile in a fixture of this ftind, even to the electic uiring lor boru, elc. fhs l,IcDoagall Cabirct. coma primed, tuo coals, reaily for the fmish coat to match the rcst ol the hitChen.
A slrong selling point tor the ilealer, is the ailvottage to the contractor in not being compelled to drag out a iob oith high priced cabinet men, the McDougall k aII built, ready to set in the udl.
Mqile entirely ol oaft, anil at a price lover than the cost of pine. Let us tell you more aboul this aimer.
A poslal wiII bring a rcptesentative.
(Continued from Page 10.)
sociation's First Birthday Party, with after-dinner talks and diversions followed by dancing in Goldr Ball Room of Palace Hotel-Mah Jottgg and cards in Concert Room.
(.{.B. Waste'll-Toastmaster)
10:00 A. M. "Sympo5is111"-"\ffhy An Association?"
From General Standpoint . :. .. .A. L. Porter (Western Retail Lumbermen's Assbciation)
From State Standpoint .Jessie Eggleston (California Retail Lumbermen's Association)
From, Local Standpoint .... ......H. Riddiford (Los Angeles Lumbermen's Exchange)
"Symposium"-"IV[2fl6s1 Conditions."
C. H. Griffin, Jr.,..Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club
R. F. Wells .-.. ...Central Lumbermen's Club
A. E., Fickling.....So. Cal. Retail Lbr. Dealers Ass'n.
E. D. Tenant. .. Los Angeles Dist. Lbrmn's Club
J. C. Ferger .......San Joaquin Valley Lbrmn's Club
G. F. Hoff San Diego Materialmen's Club
E. T. Robie ..Sacramento Valley Ilbrmn's Club
A Glimpse of the Oriental Situation..C. C. Thompson (Jack-Thompson Lumber Co., Oak'land) RECESS-ls MINUTES-TO VISIT EXHIBITS.
Business Session.
Adjournment in ample time for luncheon meetings of regional Clubs, and so that delegates desiring to attend the U.S.C.-Stanford football game at the Stadiu,m, Berkeley, may do so.
Big Concatenation will be held by Hoo-Hoo-Saturday evening
An added feature to this years convention will be the various exhibits that wil'l be on the display. Am,ong the concerns and organizations that will have exhibits at the convention are the California Redwood Association; the California White and Sugar Pine Association: White Brothers, Hardwood Dealers; Shingle Branch of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association ; Cement Association; Lumbermen's Service Association, of Los Angeles, Building Plans, and the Northern Building and l,oan Association, of San Francisco.
The convention will be largely attended by lumbermen from all sections of the state and a large number of lumbermen from other states have already" signified their intention of attending. The Assoc'iation have sent out unique notices through the mail to all sections of the state in the form of a small shingle post card inviting the manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers to attend. The small shingles were furnished,with the compliments of the Union Lum,ber Company.
Richard A. Hiscox. of the Western, States Lumber Co.. San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Hiscox, have returned from a m.on'ths' trip in the east that carried them to the Atlantic Co-ast. After attending the Hoo-Hoo national at New Orleans, Mr. and Mrs. Hisco>c visited Milwaukee, Kansas City, Chicago, New York, and Boston. Mr. Hiscox said that throughout the various sections of the country thaf he visited, he found, the lum,bermerr optimisti,c. He said that there is a big demand for Pacific Coast lum,ber in the eastern sections of the coun,try, but that building operations are held up owing to'labor shortage. On h,ls return to San Francisco, he had as his guests the members of the Western States Lumber Co. an,d the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. retail yard, at a dinner on Tuesday night October 9 at the Union League Club, San Francisco, w,hich was a get-together meeting to talk over business condit'ions.
Frank Trower, of San Francisco, Past Snark of the Universe, has returned from a three-weeks trip in the east, where he attended the Hoo-Hoo annual at New Orleans, and also visited,at Nashville, and St. Louis. In spealcing of the annual, Mr. Trower says that they had a progressive and constructive meeting, and that some good legislation was passed by the convention. He saidi that considerable time was devoted by the convention to the question of Hoo.Hoo clubs, and reports from the various lumber centers showed that considerable progress is being made by various clubs already organized throughout the country. Mr. Trower said that the California delegation, that consisted of Richard A. Iliscox, Frank Trower, C. D. LeMaster, Ed. Tennant, and Mrs. R. A. Hiscox, were entertained royally while in New Orleans and that one of the pleasant iight seeing trips that they enjoyed was an inspection trip of the New Orleans harbor, under the supervlsion of Supt. of Docks, W. H. DeFrance. En route to New Orleans, they stopped at Houston, Texas, where they were the guests of Ben Woodhead, of the Woodhead Lumber Co., who showed them the sights of the city and also entertained them at his home. Mr. Trower said, that the California delegation were particularly grateful to Mr. Woodhead, who was also mentioned 'by some members of the convention as a candidate ,for Snark of the lJniverse, but withdrew his name making C. D., LeMaster of California, the unanimous choice of the convention. At the conclusion of their Nashville gathering, where the California delegation was present excepting Eil. Tennant, Mr. Trower and "Mr. LeMaster left for St. Louis where they spent a few days on Hoo-Hoo business, prior to their departure to the Pacific Coast.
Prompt Delivery-Low Freignt Rates
Boat lines fromPortland to the lumber sections of California, enable us to make prompt delivery at low freight rates on Dry Kiln equipment.
Always alert to improve our service to the lumber manufacturer.