2 minute read

Southern Lumbermen Buy Interest In Clover Valley Lumber Co. Lar$e California Pine Manufacturers

H. B. Hewes, of Jeanerette, Louisiana, and R. H. Dow,mman, of New Orleans, nationally known lumhermen and large cypress manufacturers, have just completed arrangements where they have taken over an interest in the Clover Valley Lumber Co. mill at Loyalton, Sierra County, C_alifornia, large white and sugar pine manufacturers. Mr. Hewes and Mr. Dow'mman have been associated for,many years with the manufacture of cypress and yellow pine in the South and operate the large Louisiana red cypress m'ill at .|eanerette. They are also 'large yellow pine operators in South Carolina.

The Clover Valley Lumber Company has been ope!l!ing in California since 1917, under the management of W. T. Virgin and C. D. Terwilliger, of San Francisco. The plant has a double band mill, with modern equipped machinery, 'modern box factory, excellent storage facilities, with a total production of about 60 million feet per year. The company have'their own railroad and logging -equip- ment, and sufficient tim'ber which is located in ,Plumas County, to justify perpetual cutting. Mr. Virgin and Mr. Terwiiliger have been associated in the lumber business for years an,d have been very successful operators.

The officers of the new company are: H. B. Hewes, president; \M. T. Virgin, vice-president; and C. D. Terwilliger, secretaryi and treasurer. R. D. Dowmm'an and J. W. McWilliams are directors in the company. The com- pany maintain offices in the Alexander Building, San Francisco.

The Clover Valley Lumlber Co. are producers of -a very high grade of California white pine a-nd are la-rge shippers in[o the eastern markets. They also dispose of large quantities of pine box shook in the California market. The new company will also assume control of th-e large ice plant at Fiolly, California, which was a subsidiary company.of the Clover Valley Lumber Co. The company's natural-ice plant is located' on the Western Pa'cific Railroad and is sold to the railroads for refrigeration purposes.


E. P. Ford, manager of W' R' Grace & Co., San Francisco, has'lefi on a fhtee-m'onths' bus'iness trip to Europe. He is accompanied bZ_Y::F"td:l,he trip.


"Jiinmie" Owens, the young eleven-year-old.- son. oI Chirlie Owens, the propinent Los Angeles retailer, has taken; his fling at the movies and has a part- i-r-r the new Charles Ray froduction, "The Courtship bf Miles Standish," which-iinow appearing at Grauman's Million Dollar 'Iheatre, Los Angelei.- He depicts the part of Miles Stand' ish in his youngir days, and his many friends who have seen him ippeai on. the screen in this feature film, pronounce him a success.

C)ur soft White Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet your requirements for factory lumber and finish. Let us quote on your demands for the coming season.

Your inquiries and orders will receive our usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves orto our Southern California representatives:

October 15, 1923

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