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Newsy News Fro,m-A'' 3""'
At a large attended meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, held at the Palace Hotel on Mon'day, October 8, the guests of the club luncheon were "Bob" MacArthur, Hugh Jones, and Leslie Brown. "Bob" MacArthur, of R. Mac Arthur & Co.. wholesale lumber d,ealers. who is a candidate for supervisor in the San Francisco election next November, was the principal speaker at the luncheon and was introduced in fitting terms by his old friend Richard C. Jones, president of the club. The club passed a resolution endorsing the candidacy o,f Mr. MacArthur for supervisor, and also formulated the "Bob" MacArthur Club, of which the following officers were elected: Joe Bell, Olson-Mahoney Lumber Co., president; Hugh Handley, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. and Eddie Brush, Loop Lu,mber Co., vice-presidents; Jim Svminqton, Hart-Wood Lumtber Company, Secretary, and Charlie McFarland, Christenson Lumber Co., treasurer. Hugh Jones, with Hind & Co., insurance and real estate dealers, and Leslie Jones, of the Christenson Lumber Co., also made short talks to the club members.
The entertainment committee, which consists of Eddie Brush, Hugh Handley, and Charlie Moody, rep'orted that arrangements were completed for the annual ladies night, which will be held this year at the Cliff House on,Thursday night, October 18.
CHARLTE BrRD "T.*f"%" sAN FRANcrsco
Charlie Bird, pr'omin,ent California lum,berman and manager. of the Stockton Lumber Company at Stockton, was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent a few days callin'g on his lum.ber friends in the Bay District. Charlie reports that business is good in the Stockto'n District and that their is considerable building activity in his section.
F. B. Prvor. sales manaqer of the W. M. Ritter Lumber Company of Columbus, Ohio, is; in California on one of his regular business trips to the Coast, calling on the trade in the San Francisco and Los Angeles trade. This concern have their m'ill operations in \Vest Virginia and are the manufacturers and distributors of the well known Ritter Brand oak flooring. Before coming to California, Mr. Pryor called on the lumber trade of Washington and Oregon.
Experienced Lumberman Open For Position
Lumberman with seven years experience in retail lurtrber business wishes position. Married. Best of references. Address, Box 12, care California Lumber Merchant.
B. W. Cadwallader, president of Cadwallad'er-Gibson Co. Inc., of San Francisco, has returned to California, after spending four weeks in the east on business. While in the east, he visited New York, S,t. Louis, and Kansas City, where he called on the lumber trade in those districts. The Cadwallader-Gibson company are manufacturers and distri'butors of mahogany and im,ported hardwood,s, and' Mr. Cadwallader states that building operations in the east are very active and that his company is finding a very fine demand for imported hardwoods in the eastern markets.
Chicago Lumber Company Of Wasihington Move To New Offices
The Chicago Lumber Company of Washington have moved their San Francisco offices to the eleventh floor of the Hearst Building, where they are occupying much 'larger quarters. L. V. Graham, vice-president and general manager of the company, who was formerly located; at their Kansas City office, is now making San Francisco his headquarters and will conduct the business of the cpmpany from this oflrce. As formerly, F. B. Macomber is acting as sales manager of the! San Francisco office, while Bart Macomber is representing the company in the Bay District. The company still maintain a Kansas City office to look after their eastern business, and is under the management of J. E. Cook. Buying offices are also maintained in Seattle, where this concern has been operating for many. years, and is under the management of R. B. McKamey, with Lloyd Graham as his assistant. The Chicago Lu,mber Company of Washington have been affiliated with the middle western lumber business for years and carry 'on a large business, both in the eastern markets and California, in douglas fir, white and sugar pine, redwood, red cedar and other west coast forest products.