3 minute read
San Francisco Concern to Market Port Orford Cedar Panels
Panel to be used in connection with high grade Port Orford Cedar interior finish and trim, Homer Maris and
To meet the demand for a Veneered Port Orford Cedar states that this new .product is a long-felt want as here. tofore they had to supply these panels in solid lumber, rvhich was not only expensive but very unsatisfactory. Port Orford Cedar grows in a very restricted habitat, the only location that it is found growing in the United States is in Coos and Curry Counties, Oregon. Owing to its arcmatic qualities, it is adapted for such uses as linen closets as it keeps out the moths. The wood is ideal for panels, taking an excellent finish and is especially adapted for white enamels and paints. It will not warp or shrink, is everlasting in all locations, and has the color and grain of ivory. This is the first time that Veneered Port Orford Panels have been offered to the trade in California-
The Coos Veneer & Box Co., at Marshfidd, Oregon, are the manufacturers of this product. Benj. Osland, president of this concern, has followed lumber manufacturing in the Northwest for a number of years- About four years ago he started the manufacture of cedar separator stock for batteries. He has equippd his mill with modern machanery and is now in shape to manufacture a strictly high class Port Orford Cedar Panel. He is equippcd to menofacture 3, 5, or 7-ply up to 2l-ply stock for all purposes.
All panels are made with Casco water-proof glue.
Mr. Maris says that they have started an extensive canpaign to market the new Cedar Panels in the Northcrn California market. They are sending a small sample of their 3-Ply Cedar Panel stock, &inch by 3 and one-half inch, to all architects, planing mills, cabinet shops, and schools in the Northern California scction, which is accompanied by literature describing the excellent qualities of Port Orford Cedar.
High Class Salesuan Wants Pacific Coast Connection
High class Yellow.Pine Salesman, thoroughly acquainted with the trade in Houston and South Texas, would like to connect with a strictly first-class Pacific Coast concern as their representative in Houston, Texas. References. Address Bbx A-2, clo California Lumber Merchanl

Glasby and Co. Spread Out
William A. (Bill) Peck, formerly Pacific Coast Sales Manager for the Haynes Automoble Corporation, known by thousands of men in all walks of life, up and down the Pacific Coast, has just recently taken the position of General Sales Manager for Glasby and Company, Los Angeles aggressive jobbers of sash and doors and other allied products. This is the outfit that has become famous through their free use of the slogan, "Speed Gets 'Em."

Mr. Peck, while admittedly not an experienced sash and door man, in the technical end of the business, possesses one rare attribute, that he is thoroughly ground in the matter of giving real sbrvice, and according to Clare E. Glasby, head of the organization, he does excel in this one particular.
Mr. Peck rvill make his headquarters at the main office of the company, on East 25th Street, Los Angeles, and will try,'within a very short time, to call personally on the many loval accounts that have ben acquired by Glasby and Company, during the past three years.
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San Francisco Luuber Iupotts Increast For Septttber
Imports of lumber to San Francisco for the month of September showed a gain over August, according to figureq compiled by the marine department of the Chamber of Commerce. Total imports for September, including the interior, coast ports and Washington and Oregon, were 75,203,000 feet as compared with 67' 7,000 feet for the month of August, an increase for September over August of 7,86,000 feet.
Importations of lumber from coast ports for the past mohth showed a decline of 1,617,0@ feet as compared with August, when the total was 16,361,ffi feet. For September- the figures were 14,744,00 feet. Importations from interior points and Washington and Oregon for September shorved an appreciable gain over the preceding month, according to the Chamber of Commerce figu'fs.__ ^^^From interior points there was a total ot9,7fr,ffi feet of mber comins into the local oort durins the past month, lumber coming port during past month, as compared ;ith 7,830,m feit for the month-_of August, a gain of 1,890,000 feet for September. From Washington and Oregon.lq*f! month were 5O,739,9F^f.d,.* "9T: uregon the past 5u,/J:r,u pared_ with 43,177,0@_feet for the month of pared wiih 43,17i,m feet August, a galn of. 7,562,W feet for September over the preceding month.