3 minute read

Who Pays for Advertising?

By H. T. Didesch, Matnging Director, Miilwork Inst. of Catif.

So^mebody has to pay for alt that ex- pensive advertising-you have heard that phrase more times than a few, It rises up as a bugaboo in the minds of some mcn who don't stop to figure out what it reallv means. .It is true enough, just as a coli la"J. But as a cold fact,-airait from its re- lation to others, it is about the most rnisleading fact in business,

Fomebody has to pay all those expensive salesmen, too and for all that expensive ma- chinery in your pkint, and for all those ex- pensive cartons. Which one of them will lou d^o without, in order to get your prices down?

Without the salesmen your distribution will weaken. Without thl expensive machinery your cost of production will mount up. ,Aqything that reduces cost, whether it be efficiency in operation, or increased sales that reduce overhead, has to be paid for. But if it is paid for out of savings in cost it be- creasc your volume eighty-eight per cent in comes an ec.onomy. - three years, are you going to havi to chargc

It is passible, in othcr- words, to add cer- the cdnsuniei mirr" F"i Ett"-p"oa".i, t" dt tain expenses to- your business which de- for advertising? oi irJ t.-" t;t"a i"-ui stroy exp-ens,e. Adverlising, properly_ car- able, instead t-o charge hini lessior To show ried out, is that kind of an expense. It can a bigger profit in ihE business?' simpl'fy distribution problems, increase dis- If advertising gives the donsumcr a fav_ tribution Not in a minute; there is no miracle "rorti"L po*er aUout'it. Eut -lo6a orable disposition to your name and product, advertising consistently carried out, doeslhat so that the dealer finds it easier to make thing. his resale, and if your own salesmen then

When the paint and varnish manufactur- find it easier to get the business, are you 9Is of ,this country began advertising the going to have to q3y a_s high commissions? idea "Save the furnace and yau savJ a[," There are large advertisers in this country they hoped to double the:r business in firie whose salesmen draw no more than half the years. That time is not up yet, but at the commissions which are paid by non-adver-' end of three years they wCre within twelve {sins manr'f,aoturers in the same rindustry. per cent of having reached their soal. They And the difrerenc+the saving in com:rdshave forty per cent of their limit in which sions-js greater than the money slrcnt in to reach twelve per cent of their volume advertising. limit. If you, rin your own business, can in- Sure, ..somebody pa.ys for it."


Louis Gerlinger, Jr., of the Gerlinger Lumber Co., Portland Oregon, was a recent California visitor where. he spent about two rveeks calling on the California trade ancl making a survey of lumber conditions in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Districts. While in the Bay District. ,he was a caller at the ofifice of Allan Turner who acts as the Northern California representative. He also went over the



Los -Angeles territory, with A. T. Show, the company's Southern California represe'ntative.


_ B. E. S1-ripley', California representative of the Whitney Lttmber Co., with headquarteis in San Francisco, is on i several days' business trip to the Northwest. He will visit the company's mill at G-arabaldi, Oregon, and also spend a feu' days at Portland. He will retuin to San Franiisco about the middle of the month.

For 18 Yearr

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The floors in this. buildin-g are. _mirror-smooih from wall to wall In each, room. .The perfect side, and end matching which is responsrble lor these flawless surfaces is made definitely certain by,running_the wearing surface nf the flooring strips frz&,'wiaei and longer than the under side. No hidden shoulderi or'Drotrudins humps beneath the tongue and groove can hold the upper edgeE apart.

SUPERIOR BRAND OAK FLOORING is setting the standard of value a_nd excellence not only- in expensive U"iiii"g" titJ--ifri-oni shown bu-t in hundreds oI modest ho?nes as well. Dialers .iJ "o"- !!illly, finding., our improved .manufacturing -ethoa"--i*.ria6iy result rn steadrty rncreasrng orders.

Shall We Quote Now?



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