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Selling Ethics

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Mr. P. W. Dixon, American Door Co., Los Angeles, Before the Millwork Institute of California,

I was given an assignment at Santa Barlar1 and I didnt thinL I -as'"Uie-io aefcnd m-ysclf bccause I didn't "l?tlY rcmcTber until aftcr I got back when I formd the prograo of what had occurTcc that I was on it in some way. -"i'"--i"lrt.igLa that thev lehyed the prcsentation of.my subjcct ""iif 1"t1, Uii"l"i| it ga'e tie the-opportuilty of aki:rg in.thc.other Chairmen's point of view, and minc was-thc same' rn q4ng to gi9t .-i'*-itt""'i" St"t Baibara you would havc ttrought I.had-smdlpox-nobody that I approached knew--anything abolt lt' .rn-lact -when I wcnt up to any one.and-said' -"1 l13Y-c an assrgnmcnt-r-aEr "'ti.S"iti"i Eitii""t coirmittee," hc said, "I'll tcu. voE r havc four or five at home right now, and cannot usc them'" so -r aq gotng t9 ask the Chair to do me a favor and appolnt a member lrom eacn ai;H; *ttJ--t"b- what these things- -arc and those fellows who ;;;ii;iirc i. iirussle with that Probtem. It is quitc likdv if wc had a men in each-district out of the compositc sourcc wG could ["ifa so-"ttti"g we could dl subscribe to.Thc- qrrcstion of ,s9]inp ithics-that yoi may say scriously is tte rules of ttte game. I-think vou made a mistake in handing it to me' but thc qucstron ot now ivc do things starts with thc selling gamc. '- Th; #t;-itrif tite to tell us thai c-o-opcration, good fdlowship and these-things are the basis of get$qS along -and advancing.thc industrv I think are sometimes a littlc camcd away wrtn tnctr i"ifuiiit-. The business of gctting busincrs and selling it is more or less a kind of competition which at timcc takcs.o-n thc plasc ot i."JL"a wirfa.c. almbst. Even in thc most prirnitivc methods of boixing and fighting there has had to be rulcs of the game-..w9 }avc the oii Ouecnsbury rulcs, which dctcrnines where you will tatc a swioc at i man and when you have to give him a chancc to tpt on to iris feet. and it seems to mc that scllinss cthics is a good dcal like that. I attempted to analyze this a little bit and to -givc thc "J""t reoott of a ehairman wi-thout any assistance from his con--itt.". 'As I went into it it seemed to mc it started off, firsL vith the rules of thc Institute. This is suggestcd so that thc rcsolution iommittee can adopt tfiat part of it. Thc first would be that we havc i-iet of rules of the Institute; ttrc second is that se have a cre{, ot--hat the millman believes. "We want to have something in which wc all belicve and can subscribc to, il it is only one or tvo principlcs. It is ouite likelv on thc basis of that wc could build a sct of standatd prices. which i would name aa the third phase of sclling cttrics. hnd tast I would put thc method of presentation, or just hos- the many members of -the industry prese-nt their^ case to the pu!'lil'you -might say how they acquire their sanding' or as to -vhether they are a cut-throat outfit or whcther thcy attcapt to gct bu$ncaa in i clean sportsman-li&c way, or whethcr it is a ganc whcr. c thc rrran with the smartcst idea or cleverest way rcaches thc publrc and cives him his cntrec. And I took the crecd as thc next phase of it' Ind I jottca down two or threc little things which I ttought possiblv

The tast I had undcr tbc creed ta! to rccognizc en -qqatiop -of practicc not mentioned in our codc, to bc decidcd b1r thf Ctot{cq -nuu= - Nor, the standatd practicca I iottcd dora' end thc dc6lti! I t ot-;butd bc-"ihai -sroup of pricticcs ald !6tcd rnctbodr rticb ri"" " u"ito*itv. ;d -uaviOe l-cast anount of rcaction or hendiclp io our "ta"s of ierch.ndisins, ard ruch itcos of pracicaf -dTtrg and aoproach. a failurc to follos lhich ;oultl bc r.thiclt.- tn orii"ta:a ""t i";bi"h thc principlcs of a rportroa.arhip.!d-frir d3aling with a compctitor rould be cnumerated at a guidc to tborc not fo-rtunatc enough to bave lcarrrcd thcm in thc lr.dc-" - Th"i i"-H"d;i ; shp at the ncgl niflman, I cupporc, but {t_cr you havc bcen in a long tinc, re rould say, 'Sfhat loulil A ilo il; a; likc that?- /ind Us tclla uc vbat to do ard tbt ir tLc way we gct iL it"-. rinder the last phasc of tbat I bclicrc lclliry cthie rorrld fail in any prcscntatbn unlcss sc bad, you might ray, a brric Edngq of esabfisf,ing your coursc, and thc grcat6t -pt-d d tF! --o"ld be tlre salcsiarU and thc aalclnan's method I havc dcfircd er 'isalesraan's attitidc and training." I did!'t Lnor bol to trrc 6q words oroDerlv to cct in tbc ncaning, and o aftcrrardr I dcfncd what I'tlr6uef,t wo:dd be a salesoen'r guidg and I dcecibcd ttc salcsmau's eaining again under a generality, ltich rar ano-th rry to get out from uidci by saying somctbing vhich rar I flatirndcand-that is vcry often a-fact you have to considcr rhco you e!!qt see any definitt action to bc recomcndc4-and ro tbc ralceoeat trainini rould bc a protram of cducation for thc ralcr hced ald salesmin of any ncmber] and thig could bc elaboratcd ald rcfucd to thc point w6crc a 13s 3al3rmnn tating on tbc luk rould hlvc a salci 621rrat'-t Eust stoD risht bcrc and tcll you-you hol when thesc mcn Didcsch aad Nicf,okon rcre dircnrsiag tbir meaud I had a vcry brilliant idca, I thought, 'Why couldnt lc beve e salcg manua[" so I said to oDc of tLe boyl dora our ray-tlir- il not a slaD at hin- but I raid. 'Wbat do yoq thinl of a nanual Ior salcrmcn?' Hc iai4 "You inov I dont litc Qo.9 ropl rt'i!"r wc can gct a better darc of peoplc than that" Holcvcr"u[dcr salesnarrs training, I do thinl-rcriouely it b a potlco Sat ron{ Dut uE across with- the public rnore rapidly thaa e lot of educatiooal work that t think ve-imacine re caa do ornrclvca Yon bor aftcr all wc ar,c thc hardcgifdlots to lcll en idca in our orn nill becausc wc havc a prciudice in ttc rnill garoc. You c1nng! go !g-a nillmrn and scll hi; arr idea about hot a ralcrnen lbould do thit' that or the othct, becausc he bad a prejudicc in r'!t qind {-ttrrt how hir salescen should do. That ii a gedcnl artitudc and I an ac bad as any of you aad I e- tilliry to ray tlat ir my attito{gt If rc can take thit out of our head and 6tablilh tt t tl todd call a general rnanual of practicc for ralconco' I thinl roeytc thir gcncral'iv rould do: 'An -&boratiron and rcf,ncrncot in relca ltainfrs to tfic point where a net salcraan tating on thc rort rould would be general enough. You know generality. is the only screcn of a chairman who did not do any work -wrth rtrs commrftse' -tni-niJin"s itt.t all purchasis possible would bc rnadc from members, or amongst mem-bers, rlth Chc- idca of tying tlrcm togethcr'

The second was to condcmn the makrng ol talsc or orsparatrng "t"ti-""t" "i.tti "o-petitor's producc, scrvice, prices, pcrsonal or financial standing.--e"a--l"if"s o-ne of the codes of ethics in 6ghting' lile hitting bciow tfic belt, we would cxpect all -memben to liv-e uplo ttt" gl"to' have a sales uaaua! of rhich thc forcrord atrd ltatcocot d cthicr ;;rrtd g"ia" hin-n-ot only-ac to t-hat -rar thc lair qgacicc of Fa industr;. but rttat standard nethodr of aDFoach and p'clgitetln of theii'comoany's position rould conforu to a parelld- cffct-otr thc oart of a -conpcti-tor, and ;ould not rcdrlt in a conpti@c cffort to s;c how much-more onc housc coutd promirc thot thc o1hct, u how much morc or lcsr ablc tbcy lcre to suPply thc gpodl"

To co-operate with a competitor in obtalmng a bcnetrcuu unuorn trade pia"-tice. That would be a generality which a sct of standard rr""tides would definitely fix as to how that would be done. --to -condemn the buriening of the industry with an unfair or needless expcnse. That creed- could be dispensed with, possibly in s"-i iir"s.' Some men think you can taki an averagc of a lot o! iniioeiiencea mills and that ii the average in the distric! bqt I [tti"[ Ur. Didesch's slogan, which he asks thc adoption of, fully covers that point.

It sccns to trc that that would covcr thc guidancc o[ 6.t

We arc rccornmcnding that your rerolutbnr connittcc eutorizc ttte conrnitteJoa sellinf cttictto lcnqout a qlrcsti@ritt egogfotg ihese subdivisions of th; rulet of the Instim aad crocd end thoc eincral thincs wc believe would guide qe ia nrling a ret oJ tt Ddud iractices. and finaly to elaborate on this probleo of lnaling ralcr inaa's triining of suth character that it would be dcfnitcly lct forth just hor and-in shat manner salcsmen vould or would not Drclcot their goods.

You brought rhir sa lrorreclvcr I thall you-

(Continued from Page 47) outlast stucco many times over.!'

Perhaps there is a lesson for California lumbermen in the observations of this Southern visitorWe know a big Texas lumber merchant who visited Southern California last summer, and who went back home and reports that he is rvorking as he never worked before to furnish beautiful wooden home plans to his trade. Why ? He says because he doesn't lvant the stucco craze to invade his territory, and the way to keep it out is to give them wonderful service in beautiful wooden homes.

Richards Hardwood Lumber Co. Fur. nish Radio Program

Through the courtesy of the Richards Hardwood Lum_ ber Co., of San Francisco, an excellent raclio prog.u* *u, given..at K,GO,- Pacific Coast Broadcasting Stuflorr, Gen_ eral ,Electric Company, Oakland, on Saiurday evening, L)ctober 4, between 8:00 and l0:00 p.m.

The program was a musical treat ind was furnished bv talented artists, consisting of vocal sel.ections, humoroul readings, piano-accordion solos, male quartet, and instru_ mental selections. The Richards Hardwood Lumber Co., of which concern Mr. F. -Richards is president, are the recipients of many favorable comments for furnishing this excellent program.

Los Angeles Lumbermen Entertain San Franciscan

One of the happiest parties that has been given in the southern part of the state, among the lumbeicrowd, was given on the first of this month, by Fred E. Goldine. of !b. If."_g _Golding Lumber Company, Los Angeles,"ind Mr. _Cliff Bergstrom, also of Los Angeles, in hoior oi Mr. 1,. W. McDonald, of San Francisco, who, with Mrs. McDonald, was visiting in Southern California.

About thi-rty.of the town's best lumbermen golfers, and a number of friends of the hosts, not in the lu-=mber'business, assembled at the California Country Club on the afternoon of October lst, and played an l8-[ole elimination match, for a beautiful silver cup provided by the hosts. It rvas r,r'on by Harry Burford"

..After the golf play, the entire party enjoyed a wonderful dinner, at the Club, and then adjourned tb Mr. Golding,s home, where they were entertained further with vario"us sorts of amusements.

Herman Rosenberg carried ofi most of the honors at the evening part of the_p,arty, being run a close second by Clint Latrghlin, and B. W. (Bobbie) Bryne.

Those in attendance, and who have voted Fred arrd Ctif as wonderful hosts, were:

^ {.._a E._ Golding- Cliff Bergstrom, L. W. McDonald, C. J. Laughlin, A. C. Pemberthy, J. C. Thomas, paul pemb_erthy, T. B. Larvrence, F. M. Slade, W. T. Cooper, A. L. !Ioove1, Dave Steinme\z Jr., B. W. Bryne, George GoldTC, Phil Hart, Paul Masters, Il. L. Rosenberg] L. M. Rosenberg and F. M. Connelly.



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