1 minute read
the mellout tan of auturnnfelds permanently fxed-in^slate
The day of the drab roof has gone. A beautiful roofng color in elate hae re, centlv been discovered, which brings to the slate,surfaced shingle entirely new color effects.
This rare tone, weathered brown, gives to your roof the mellow tan of autumn fields, permanently fixedinslate. Andonly in the Richardson quarries of Georgia is it found.
TIu Richardson Multicrome Roof
This, however, is but one example of the beauty secured in the RichardsonMulticrome Roof. Many color effects are possibleone to please every taste. The rare weath, ered brown, for instance, is attractive when applied with other Richardson Shinglesofjade green, tile redor black pearl. wWThe Multicrome Roof is built of Rich, ardson SuperGiant Shingles, extra large, extra heavy-to give greater beauty, longer endurance. The high quality ofits inner ma, terials,too, assureslast. ing beauty for this roof. Its base is sturdy Rich, ardson felt, for fifty years recognized as the best. And the warer, proofng ie Viskaltunusually durable be, cause 99.8/a pure bitumen, especially vacuuro, prOcessed.
Richardson Multi,
The,5o<.-egteawlhickne,sofRichardrcf, crome Roofe are eco, Mulilqome Koots add,s b&utt o,textute ;A t;;;; ,f ;;A;^,2.-Cbil"ty iii,. nomical to lay and Iapping,slate flaka funlw Protect .the equallVgOodfOrnewor stuta! v$kala-sdtvfqw b6c 4gdrnsa i" wther andfire hazatds over,tne.olo,root Jobs.