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Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Play Golf
While from point of numbers the attendance at the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Golf Tournament. at the Rancho Club,.on Friday Oct-ober_10th, was somewhat disappoint- r^ng,.the quality-of play that was displayed by the'thirty- five.boys wto showed up, -rvas more thin graiifying.
The good golfers were handicapped con-sideribl i ty " strong.-cold. wind, and the same wind proved a compiete demorilization to the scores of the playirs of lesser merit.
Joe.-Chaprrran, -of the La Brea Miteiials Company, won !!9 sj]ver^cup that was donated some time ago 6y the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, to be won twi-ce in succession, for permanent possession. Mr. Chapman rvas vic- torious over all competitors at the recent Tournament at the California, and his low gross at this last affair gives him the cup.
.Irow _gross in the "A" class was won by F. M. Slade, u'hile the low net in this flight was taken by Frank Marmion.
Class "B," low gross, Ray Throm, Iow net, Fred Goldine. ..Class "C," low gross E,. D. Tennant, low net A. e. rylerryman, J r.
The affair closed with a stag dinner, at the Rancho Club, and that was followed by a gener-al good time of story telling and other divertisirnents.