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Spred Gets'Em
We have strived at all times to play fair with the Lumber Trade--gi.ritrg real value for value and service that our Competitors have criticized.
In fact, and not being boastful, we set a pace to shoot at in the Way of Service that has enabled you to receive your Sash and Doors in less than one half the time it took in days gone by.
We are always criticized by our competitors, but we welcome such comments. That alone has assisted us tremendously in building uP our business to its present high standard and size.
For example, for two years or more we have advertised "}4-HIOIJR SERVICE' and have made god'
If it be the survival of the fittest, then we point with a large measure of pride to our steady growth and prosperity.
Mr. Out-of-Town Lumber Dealer

When visiting Los Angeles make our office your headquarters. Plenty of parking space for your machine and our telephones and office conveniences are here for you to use.
Our plan or blue print estimating department will help you solve any details and survey quantities for you.
Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 Endorses New State Highways
At the regular lunchebn of Hoo Hoo Club No- t held at the Palace Fotel, Rod Hendrickson, the newly elected President for the ensuing year, presided.
He announced the following Chairmen of the Committees who will act during the year: vartous eubticity: J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant."
Membership and Attendance: Henry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson.
Finance: Frank Flarris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
Fraternal: R. O. Wilson, R. O. Wilson Lumber Co.
Program and Entertainment: Ted Higgins, Jr., Higgins Hardlvood Co.
Public Afiairs: Prof. Emanuel Fritz, University of California Forest School.
Sports: John Stroud, E. J. Dodge Co.
The chairman will announce the balance of the various committees at the next meeting.
'A resolutioh presented by Plof. Fritz of the Public Affairs CommitteC, endorsing the movement on foot to extend the first unit of the Bay Short Highway in San Mateo County from South San Francisco to Pacific City arrd to extend the Skyline Bo-ulevard from- its terminal at Woodwaidia to Salinas and Gilroy making it a trunk line for throush traffic, was unahimously endorsed by the Club and the Sicretarv was instructed to forward this resolution to
L K. lVood Lumber Co.

N. 'rlf. BlnL Bl&. Portlrnd' Orc-
Ve Spccializc in C'nyr l{rrbor OtD GROltrTIl YETLO}V FIR Finfuh rnd Vcrticrl Grdn Flo*ng. If you [Lc crtre good $ntity Rd Cdrr Shingh. wc can futnirh thcm.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcn of C,alifornia Whftc and Sqnr Plnc Lrmbcr Millr at Scuvilc ud llilt' C,et 1EO,(X)O,(X)O Fcct ADrud CrDdtt
B. W. ADAMS, Mgl. Salct DcPt. First National Bank Bldg. - San Franeirco the speciil committee recently appointed- by Governor Richaidson to report on additi,ons-of the State Highway System. 'C. D. LeMaster, of Sacramento, Retiring Snark of thc IJniverse; Frank Trower of the Trow Lumber Co', and g"rt M""o-ber, of F. B. Macomber & Son, who were -in .ti"nat.t.. at the Annual Hoo Hoo Convention gave int"r..ti"g talks on the doings and happenings at the Minneapolis rieeting. Charlie Dlodge, of E- J. Dodge- Co', drew if,e luckv n.tfrb.. for the boi of cigarC as the Attendance Prize.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
Contrary to general expectations, -there was a v-e-ry large turnout at-the iuncheon on October loth' The golf tournament at the Rancho Club had provided some stiff coB[FlF tion for the luncheon, but at thi urgtng of Secretary lVick; ;r.h; that all of the non-golfers' come and hear Frank Plane talk about mahoganyl the boys showed up in fine shaDe. -
F"""r. Plane, of the E. K. Wood Lumber -Comgall' yas ctr.i.*.tt oi th. d.y. He was also the speaker of th-t d3y' and he surely did-entertain the--boys-f.or thirty m-inutes' .r"iifr i.r.. of iis experiences in West Africa, *b:" lt y": in that country geiting out mahoqany logs' He told ot the habits and cistomi of the natives, of the grcwth or the mahogan;t trees, and told it in a very interesting manner.
The president announced that the Club would meet oncc -;-ri-ih; ninriti. Club, on the l7th, and would then ;;;; i" tnl ".* Los Angeles City Club, starting there on Thursday, October 23rd. - P;;;; Si'niptin *.i pt."."t, a1<t !r-e told the pory of tne wonderful goo ffoo ac't"ity in the Northwest, in the past thirty days.