1 minute read
ROM thooc lumber dedcrr who ere not bendling BAISAM.WOOL wc agein ro[cit rn ordcr. Some time ago we did ro with predicion that BAISA,M-WOOL would eelL Today we do it witb tLc pioof before ue that BAISAM-WOOL rellr in tte city, in the rmdl town, anrl in the cormtry. With a little honelt efrort almort every hmrber dealer cen make additionlrl BAISAM-WOOL profitr. And at the nme time give hir cutomerr bctter homer-more comfortable, more healthful, more ratirfac{ory
DALSAM-WOOL comcr in wrrppcd
I-l and realcd rollr containing 2510 rquarc fcet each. Thcrc arc only thrcc widthr, l7 inchcr,25 inchcr end 32 inchct. You don't have to crrrlr en urortmcnt of lenshtr. BALSAM-WOOL ir cut to rny length rcquired, right on thc job. Your rtocL of rtandrrd rcalcd pacLegcr ir 6ttcd for rny job th'at comci up. -TLorc are no oddr and cndr lying alouad to cat up thc proGtr you hrvc medc. BALSAM-WOOL rcquirgr littte rtorerc rpace. It ir light in wcight and earily -h.nilcd. It ir the Liad of a- product thet you and your men liLa to handlc.