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Kerckhoff-Cuzner Have Attractive Display
This picture sholvs the attractive booth of the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Company at the recent San Fernando Vallev Fair.
It was visited by several huhdred prospective home builders, and Mr. Clampitt, manager, says the display placed them in touch with a large number of prospects, many of whom are to build at once, and that it acquainted every one of his trade territory with the service his firm rvas rendering to the home building public.
The special features of the display rvere the hand-colored photographic plans, pictures, etc., a product of the Lumberrnen's Service Association, and a variety of builtin features furnished by Pratt & Warner.
Each interested home builder was presented with an attractive Bungalow Book featuring a variety of modern homesr-their name and address was secured, and this prospect list will be followed up.
This is creative advertising rvhich the California Lumber Merchant 'ivould like to see more dealers undertake.
HAMMOND 'lhe Hammond Lumber has been sold to the Citrus
SELLS YARD Company yard at Cucamonga Belt Milling Company.
San Diego Yard Buys More Ground
The D. E. Thompson Lumber Company, San Diego, has pnrchased a good sized tract of land adjoining their original location, to be used for future expansion.
Hayward Buys Yard At Escondido
The Escondido Lumber Company, zrL old established concern at Escondido, has ben bought by the Hayward f,umber & Investment Company, of Los Angeles.
The nerv owners took possession on October 10th.