4 minute read
National Forests of State Yield Over Million Dollar Revenue
The National Forests of California are one of the big business enterprises of the Government that pays for themselves. Figures just released by the U. S. Forest Service district headquarters at San Francisco show that during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, there was turned into the.Federal tr,easury the sum of $1,241,605 as receipts from timb_e_r -sales, livestock grazing and other forms of uses of the 77 National Forests of thi State. The expeditures for the administration and protection of the forists, for the sam.e period, amount to approximately $985,000, leaving a credit balance of over one-quarter million doilars.
The amount received from the sale of mature timber in the National Forests was $910,970, and from fees for the grazing .of, 9-a!t-19 and sheep, $250,000. Water power brought in $43,0@, and speciai uses $91,000, of which^latter amount nearly $60,000 was received from the renting of summer-home sites in the forests.
_ Compare4, with the returns for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, National Forest receipts for the past yea? were- $32,890 less; the decrease being taused by the s-iller number of applications for permitJ to graze-livestock on the forest ranges.
^^Tw.enty-five per cent of the National Forest receipts, or $310,400, will 6e returned to the State to be distiibuted to counties in which National Forests are locat.ed, for school and road development. An additional 10 per cent, or $124,000, will also 6e expended locally by the Foresi Service for the construction of roads and traili. California rvill thus benefit to the extent of nearly $435.000 from the business receipts of the National Forests, without taking into consideration the intangible asset of sport and recreation that the Federal forests afford, and which are yearly enjoyed by millions of citizens.
W. J. l-awrence, who has been Los Angeles manager of the Albion l-rrmber Company, for some time past, has resigned from that position, and has gone east to accept a position with the California White & Sugar Pine Company. He is succeeded at Los Angeles by Mr. Wiggins, who has been at that office on the sales force.
Record Made In Rebuilding New Kilns
Fire destroyed four dry kilns at Schafer Bros. Lumber & I)oor Co., Montesano, Wn., on September 1. The work of reconstructing the buildings was started September 1O. The work of installing the iron equipment was started on the l7th., and the kilns completed ready for drying lumber on the 24th.
It is believed that this is a record time for rebuilding fonr nerv drv kilns one hundred four feet long, it taking only trvo rveeks to construct four new buildings and one week to install the iron equipment complete.
The new kilns are of the Moore Progressive type. The iron equipment was furnished by Moore Dry Kiln Co., North Portland, Oregon.
"Paraffine Co. Specializes on Uniform Products"
How much do you think an industdal coDccrn spends eacb year to inspcct the products it raanrdactures and sclls to consumcrs in every part of the globe?
Would Slm,O00 saem an exorbitant amount? That's what ThG Paraffinc Compa.nies, Inc. of Ips Angclcs, crpcnds during thc year to make sure that each of their products i8 up to the quality standard it has fixed.
"a{ lot of peoplc who buy a can of.paint or a roll of rooing or a strip of floor covering nevcr drcam that in ordcr for thcm to get the same quality of product timc and again requircs a good deal of watching on thc part of the manufacturcr," saF W. H. Lowe.
Lowe, who is general marurger of thc paint' roofing and floor covering depardment of The Parafrnc Cmpanics, Inc., says that what requires thc most care is the constatrt vigilancc to 8ce that the raw materials cntering into a product are uniform-
"\Mhen we turn out a roll of our Malthoid roofing," he dcclare4 "we're not only selling the roo6ng, but tbc rcputation of the cm. Danv as well. -For fo*v vears wChave sold oursclvcs to the public is i quality manufacturer. Becausc our goods have- always. been good, inoit &re same as others,' as it--werc-, thc coacuming public has Scen'led to believe that The Paraftne Companiea, Inc., goods arc the best ticy could b.uy for thcir money.

"Now ure guard this reslrct zedously, so that if we wcrc to let an inferior picce of mcrchandise gct on ttc markct undc thc tradc name of 'Pabco' where would wc bc? Thc public would locc confidencc in us, wouldn't thcy? And no concern can afiord to losc the confidence of the public. Competition i8 too 8tifi thesc days'< any day-for a concern to risk that.
"In our roo6ng, for instancg wc pay ccrtain largc salarics merely to examine-ihe redwood bark entering hto thc nat'erial Thesi men dcterminc whether thc bark is choppcd fine enough, whether it is just the kind rcquired for rooing purposea.-
"Rcdwood bark incidentally was sclectcd ag a basc for roofing during tbc *ar vbcn tbc picc of r.tr td e d.L Th. H hal provca ro cficctivc ttat rhco thc FicG of nrr dtqltlcd rt dl reained tbc rcdrood ar thc bara
'Tbco again, ia thc mattcr of peint iarpcctoa. It i. r ftry inportant fact that a paint bc rrifqu. SqOorc roc fordg! hgredient should inadvcrtcorfy cntct i6 thc Fint dudog nu6e rurc. Thrg bit of impnrig Eitht bG thc mlr of qnilnf lo entire paint job. But ncr trrincd in tbc 6oc .rt of ft fu oa il\trt3 arc paid largc ealarics to prevcnt iost rucl e Siot crwr tetiql pl,ace.
'Thcre's a great lccso{r to the plblic in thc inrpocbo dectment of a big isdustrid concern Wcrc nqqc sm@t to bot iust how orninizations are crpcading a ld o[ ucy b errsc ttco irf purc aadUgu quality goodb thc/d rcgrrd-$c- bflil3 FodE+ they purcbasc througb dificrcot cyc+ and touxl aLo.d o{' Soool rhich havc bcen th&oughly inspcctcd."
California Lumbcr tcrchant, Loe A4gcles.
Gcntlemcn: 'Wc are in reccipt o[ your Octobcr 13t it E ud rle nr turally oleascd to scc thCt you bave dcvotcd e lull prge b cuts riscd ii our littlc boollct and to a confrlincotery lrii> uo of same. '
As a resolt of a brief mcotioa in thc Golf Catt L@ bcrnan of this bootlct, we havc reccivcd rocraf htt rr lrlino f6i cqiea and hrve not rcccived a d4lc inqdrt fr@ rcidcrs of tro othcr lunbcr jourleb to tbolo tc lcot coda. of our bookletThig iadicates, rc ttial, thrt tr. DisE l ctrin for ttc Gulf Coast Lumbcrmrn, 'Thc Livcet Jonrnel on Errtt" L rcll founded and tbet it ir rcad bt liYG lumbcrm looEDg coostantly for nev idca*
Very tnrty youn'