2 minute read
Fresno Hoo Hoo Orga,nize Club
Frank Minard
Fifty-five loyal members of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, in the Fresno District, met at the new Com- merciil Club, Fresno, on the night of October 9th, and completed their formation of the new Fresno Hoo'Hoo Club.
.- ft w.as-one gf the most enthusiastic lfoo Hoo gatherings that has been held in the state for some time, and was pir- ticularly notable for the large percentage of 'members ihat tnrned out to the meeting
Martin D. Johnson, of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, Fresno, is the President of the new Club. He is a young' man, full ,of .pep, and if the first meeting can be taken as a sample, is going to make a wonderf-ul leader for this- grgup._ The entire membership is behind every- thin_g_that -h9 has done, and have pledged themselves io lend their aid during the year to hold thJHoo Hoo interest tlat was gained through.the successful administration of H. E. Verble, Vicegerent last year.
Ro_1 W. Bagby of Fresno, rvas elected Vice President, and Mr. D. K. Edwards, of the same city rvas unanimouslv qade Secretary-Treasurer. They will have five Directori, Harvey Isenhower of Fresno, C. W. Mclntyre of Clovis. L. L. Walker of Fresno, E. L. Smith of Fre#o. and R. O. Cheatem, Fresno.
The Club adopted the Constitution and By Laws as suggested by the national office at St. Louis, and have authorized their board of directors to name such suitable committees as they will need.
Meetings will be held on the evening of the first Mon-
Is New Snark
{gy i"-each month, the first one falling on the 3rd of November.
* A good gall_old timers w,ere at the meeting. F. Dean Prescott, J. C. Ferger, J. G. Ferguson and a-number of other men who have been Hoo Hoo members for a great number of years. J. C. Ferguson made a short talk td the members, relating some of the experiences that he has had in the order during his eighteen years of membership. Jack {9rg.I talked for a few minutes and congratulated- the C.lub^jo.r the splendid spirit. He ptedged fris support to the Club.
_ J. M. Chase, of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, Los Angeles, wai a guest and responded to his introduction with a short talk on the wonderful results possible through such a body of men.
Phil. B. Hart of "The California Lumber Merchant,,, talked on "The Value of a Hoo Hoo Club.,' He is presi- dent of the Los Angeles Club.
The retiring Snaik, H. E. Verble, read the Constitution and By Llys t9 the me_mbers, and then called for a report from the Nominating Committee, for'a nerv Snark. Roy Bagb.y, chairman of the committee, reported that they had unanimously selected Mr. Frank Minard. Vice preiident and General Manager of the Ci S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fr,esno. He needs no introduction, being one of the most prominent and popular of the San Ioaiuin Valley retail lumbermen. Flank has served foi twb yeats js Secretary of _the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen,s Club, rj prominen4y identified lvith prac[ically all of Fresno,s Public and Civic activities, and-he will,'without a doubt, prove a very fine Vicegerent.