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Here It Is! The Big Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Dinner Dance

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Chairman Jack Rea has announced the time and place for the coming Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Dinner Dance.

-Jack and his committee of thirty have been working hard for two weeks on the arrangements, and they have set the date far enough ahead to insure a splendid attendance.

Vista Del Arroya Hotel, Pasadena.

Thursday night, October 3oth.

$3.00 per cover.

Dinner, dancing, entertainment: all provided by Jack and his gang, and he guarantees a big money's worth.

I{e asks for early r.eservations, sent to Leo Hub\11d,_7a Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, 410 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles.


President J. C. Ferger, of the Swastika Lumber Companv. Frestt5. ha. cal-ied a meeting of the San Joaquin Valiiv Lumbermen's Club, for Saturday noon' October 18th, ;t Fresno.

The notices have been sent out by Secretary Frank Minard, of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, and it is expected that they will have a large attendance.

New York Builder Orders And Receives Plans By Air Mail

A Home Plan featured in the Ladies Home Journal and designed by Lumbermen's Service Association, Los ,41-eelef, made such an appeal to Mr. H. Grunewald, of 70 Fine'Street, Port Jervis, New York, that in order to adopt and use the plans- for a home he had arranged- to build at once, an ordei was sent by Air Mail, Postmarked New York, October 2nd lO A. M. r-eaching Los Angeles 8:20 A. M-, October 7th. Plans were immediately dispatched by Air Mail and assurance given that they would be delivered to Mr. Grunewald October 12th.

Naturally the Lumbermen's Service Association are proud of their abitity to create and develop plans that make such a strong appial as is reflected in this transaction and they are to 5e iongratulated upon their achievement.


F. B. Pryor, sales manag'er of the W. M. Ritter Lumber Co., of Coiumbus, Ohio, is on his annual business trip to the Pacific Coast where he will spend several days calling on the lumber trade in the Bay District and Los Angeles territory. The W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. are large eastern hardwood manufacturers and are shippers of hardwood products into the California market.

Howell Baker A San Francisco Visitor

Horvell Baker, of the California Pand & Veneer Co', Los Angeles, spint several days in San Francisco around the firsiof the month. While-in the Bay District, he was a visitor at the office of Homer Maris, the well known distributor of panels in the Bay District.


T. C. I\{clntire, of the Emerwood Panel an-d Top !o" p"iit""a, Oregon, has returned to the Northwest after ;p*dt;g a cou-ple'of weeks in California on.comPaly l*t-t^- tt.rr. lVfrite in San Francisco, he was a caller at the ofrice oi-fto-.t Maris, who is the distributor of the Emerwood Products in Norihern California. Mr. Mclntire also looke-d over conditions in the Los Angeles market with F' K' Baugh, their Southern Californil representative'

Rod Hendrickson Visits Nortitwest

Rod Hendrickson, of the Hendrickson Lumber Co" San Francisco. is on a two weeks' business trip to the.Northrvest, rvhere he will visit his mill connections' Hrs como."" i" the Northern California representative of the 'lt.ti.r." i"Lu.. C". During his absence, Louis A' God"id *itt be in charge of the Sin Francisco office'


S. E. Barwick, manager of the Chicago office of .the Long-Bell Lumber Co., was a recertt.San Francisco vrsrtor .vheie he spent . *..t visiting his- lumbermen friends in iit;- ut District. Wrtit" in San Francisco, lre wa;- !!e ;;;rl "i rti. son, Bill Banvick, sales manager. of the ChiloIuin l-umber Co. He was on his way to the -company s tit-iii- tp.i"ii,o"t "t Longview, Washington' He was accompahied by Mrs. Barwick.

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