3 minute read
Wh ath"ppens with Laminex doors and wet plaster!
-apra&ice which should be aqtoided, yet Laminex doors will stand such abuse without warping, buckling or separating!
"All.doors warped-had to be replaced-cause, hung when plaster was wet.
How many reports like that have c6st you rnoney? No matter how much you gu.ard against it, irresponsible workmen will subject doors dnd woodwork to such abuse.
See what the Lannom Bros., Manufacturing Company say about cases where Laminex doors were hung in buildings wlth wet plaster. Because Laminex is built byourspecial process, with-waterproof iemenr, it will not warp, buckle, twist or separate.
Over a million Laminex doors are now hung and in actual use. They have withstood climates notoriously hard on doors-Extreme cold, dampness, silt air, great humidity, high altitudes.
We build Laminex doors of old.-growth Douglas fir with flat grain throughout, or with vertical grain stiles and rails.
vur rralrunal aqverf lslng I ne .JaEuroay rosE an zines-, repeat this zines, vear. We f retailers wirh a.tie-up plan by which they may reap the benefit of this de wnte us-or ask your cloor Jobber.
Our national adwer_tising in The Saturday Evening Post and nine other maga:s-, will repeat the Laminex message 22,910,794 times this year. We furnish demand.
Automoblies And Income Taxes
Last year there were registered in the United States 15,400,000 automobiles.
That same year there were in the United States 6'800'000 income tax payers.
Any girr can be r#: i":j, coupe, In a taxi they all can be jolly, But the girl worth wh,ile is the one that can smile, When you're taking her home on the trolley.
A REAL ONE fsagftsi-"Johnnie, can you tell me what a hypocrite is ?"
Johnnie-"Yess'm, it's a boy that comes to school with a smile on his face."
No Use To Advetttsp
Jones-"I've lost my dog."
Benss-"\ft/hy don't you advertise for him?"
Jones-"He can't read."
No Sir Walter Raleigh For Her
He had been reading romances of the days when Knighthood was in Flower. IIe was romantic, himself, and he groaned at the sordidness to which the world had come. He believed it his duty to go-forth and inject something of the old spirit of chivalry into the daily routine.
So one rainy day he sallied forth to spread the gospel of chivalry, and hoping to do some knightly acL He beheld a bewitching maiden about to step from her limousine upon the dirty pavement. Quick as thought he sprang forward-Sir Walter could not have exceeded him in courtly grace-and threw his coat upon the wet pavement under her dainty feet.
She stared at him in surprise, then at the coat, and then ejaculated aloud:
"Well, of all the damn fools !"
"The best book for the educaton of an advertising man is any one of the half-dozen of Shakespeare's plays. \tr/llat an advertising man needs is a command of the English langurge, and brains. Shakespeare will supply him with the language. He must supply the brains himself. (Brisbane)

Indicating Weakness
Two things indicate a weak mind: To be silent when it is proper to speak, and to speak when it is proper to be silenL-Persian Proverb.
That Indispensable Eleuent
Yes, tte "business idea" is cUansbg frm ncrc ehrc;& ness and conscienceless selfishness to onc of a high gredc of honor in which setrice and fairnesa predminata Tbil improvement has cooe chiefly from within. Of'courrc there is the influeoce of religioa and morals to bc cmsidered as supplernentaries. But thc lawr and nctho& of business have made ttemselvee; and thcy arc fouadcd ry on the immutable facts of human natuse and progrcal And they have developed, not in the minds o[ drcucrr' but in the forge and heat of human contact No busincel can succeed without contact{hat real coopcretion bcn of a mutual understatding and appr,ccietion of vducl ud relationships.-Elbert Hubbard Sccond.
"Two more payments and shc-s mine"
Newsboy-Wot d'ya read?
Blank-i've been 6ut of the city for a few days. \tb* papers have you ?-Judge.
For many ycan Southcrn Californire tar ba frDil' iar with Carc Pccrlis Bnnd Ccdar Shingla
We arc now carrSring on our vrtarf, Sao Pedro, for immcdiate rhipment:
6n 6/2 16" Prairn Cld' ql'8iabl l@7o Ctc.r-f(n7o Vr|drrl f123 Pr.i6c Dl6rt Bldtt
C-.* 4/2 2tY' Rqr,l Shindr.
Vill rcll in care or patt ctrr Pbonc,if iatcCcd.
Phonc VAndftc 31Of Phm. MEbo. 221?
Lc AngdG.