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TRADE. MARKED LUMbER- PR.ODUCTS e/l60hchtd( theTour
-,llut llrcfaI tsutldrnVWoodr
ouPlas Fir - Souttrern Pine Catifornia \{fiite Pine
Thc opcning of thc ncw lumber mrnufecturing plantr of thc LongBcll Lurnbcr Couprny at Longvicw, Werhington, hre addcd Dou3lar Fir Lumbcr aad Timbcrr to thc lirt of Long-Bcll traderurrlcd produetr.
Thir ncrar that throughout the Unitcd Strtcr rcteil lumbcr dcalcre crn now obtain lumbcr end tinbcrr of onc or morc rpccicr of wood boriag thc Long-Bcll tredc-merk. It ncenr thrt lumbcr urcn, univcrrally, can eboorq by brend, lumbcr productr that have bcca rafcguerdcd in manufecturc to mcct that important rcquircment to long r rtendard in Long-Bcll productioa-MAXIMUM BUILDTNG VALUE.
Thc eddition of Dougler Fir to Long-Bcll productr manD., furthcrmorc, thgt thit manu- facturcr ir now e produccr of thc four mort urcful building woodrDouglar Fir, Southcrn Pinc, Celifornia Whitc Pine end Southcrn Ork.
Tradc-markr on couutlclr warcr havc long bccn rn aid in buying.. Buycn provc thir for thcmrelves cv.ry tine thcy buy food or clothing, hourebold equipncnt or autonobilcr. Thc namcr or cmblemr of ccrtain manufacturer. arc GUTDES in eelection.
Thc lemc rignificance of ccrtain naEG. on othcr merchandirc ir cqually truc with lum' bcr. The Long-Bcll trade-nark on lumber ir en IDENTIFICATION that rerurer protcction to buycr and stendr for a gcrvicc that lumbc,r dealerr and thc buying public havc e right to cxpect.
Douglar Fir Lumber and Timberr; Soutfiern Pine Lumbe,r and Timberr; Creoroted Lumber, Timberrl Postr, Poleq Tier, Guard-Rail Portr, Piling; Southern Hardwood Lumber and Timben; Califomia White . Pine Lumber; Sarh and Doorr; Oek Flooring.