2 minute read
By lack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Sone less.
Why They Called It "Fir"
I got this story the other day from a retail lumber dealer "Boy," said the first, "whut you say dey cdls dishere in Southwest Texas who vouches for its'authenticity: lumber?"
"De boss say dey cdls it'Fir,"' said the second olre.
of the board he was fifting just then.
"Why you reckon dey calls it "Fir?"' he asked muc'h pvzzled.
"Ah knows why," said the second.
They were unloading the first car of Fir lumber that The first one rubbed his hand over the smoot'h surface had ever come to their yard, and the two colored lumber handlers were looking at the new species of lumber with much more than passing interest, discussing its appearance, apparent quality, etc., and likening and contrasting it to the Southern Pine that theY of their lives. had been handling all
Twohy Lumber Company To Handle Dodge Redwood
"\f,fhy den?" he wanted to krow.
"Cauce it comes fum FUR off," replied the other trigmphantly.
to make this announcement, that the E. J. Dodge Company is known for its grades, and prompt shipments.
Efiective October lst., the E. J. Dodge Company, of Besides redrvood, the Twohy-Lumber Cornpany conSan Francisco,.rvill be represented-exclusively in Souihern ducts a general rail and cargo fir b-usin-ess, a-nd-they rePreCalifornia by the Twohy Lumber Company, of Los An- sen.t one of the large Southern mills, for oak flooring.geles. _ T!., pofse- Redwood will be handled into Southern " n JOU know what that meerns...lealcv \ t I roofs. The rainy season is drawini
Mr. Twohy, head of the company, says he is quite proud California both by cargo and rail.

.!J near. Pioneq Slatc Surfaced. Shtt gles applied right over the old roof without tearing off the worn out wooden shingles, is the short cut to profits. Get after th; business before the other fellow beats you to it.
. . . Pioneer Shingle Design Roll Roo/tng performs the same trick...dan be applied-rieht over the old wood shingles. Brith Pion6er products make a perrnanent roof of beauty and eliminate the every season expense of repairs.
...Sell the "over old wood shingles" idea to your customers and "cash irft on Pioneq Slate SurfacBfl Shrnglef_ and ,Pionee- Shingle Design Roll Roofing.
Filling a long felt need, "Masterbilt" fixtures will create a sensation in California.
We have perfected a Breakfast Nook Unit that is unique in design and fool proof in operation. The set, assembled and crated at our factory, can be installed by any mechanic, and in a minimum amount of time. The complete triple set fits into a studded wall space 5'0"x2' 10", and will go into any four-inch wall.
This is the only set that will fit under a standard height window or sink.
The set consists of-table, two end wall seats (four side wall seats optional), and ironing board, the ironing board being concealed in one of the wall seats, when desired.
The "Masterbilt" Folding lroning Board is furnished as a separate fixture, fitting in studded wall-face of any wall -in any cabinet C. C. dqor-or concealed within lower cabinet-cooler or locker