1 minute read
For Yard Stock!
V ARD stock of the very highest quality is manufac' r tured by Tacoma mills from the fine 'Wcat C.oE t woods found in tremendous stands in the Tacoma Dir' trict.
But, you want more than good yard *ock; 5lou rvant quick seryice and depcndable aupply. Tacma offen you both with unusual assurance. Tacoma and Toma District possess a rare combination of faciliticc<-rcel' lent timber closc at hand, great mills with the lart word in equipment and ahipping arrangemcnts for eithcr rail or water that have no superior on tlrc C-oast.
Get acquaintcd wiht Tacoma NOV. Tacomr guanDt€ you satirfactory and uniatcrmptcd ecrvice for a gcnentionl Vrite today for a frce copy of the Tacoma Directory of hubcr manufacturerr and dcecription of Tacoma and Tacona District.
To have your. itt4uitics rcach dI of tI- Iolnba nuir,faclwing-hdwuy of Tcoma and Taconw Ditt'rci"