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'Masterbilt'Fixture Company Announces New Breakfast Set

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We suggest that the readers of this journ"t take par- ticular notice of the two page announcemLnt advertisement in this_issue, by the "Masterbilt" Fixture Company, of Santa Barbara.

This concern, a subsidiary of the Santa Barbara Lumber Company, headed .by Mr. Clyde H. Boyd, is putting on the market something new in the shape of a built-ii triple breakfast nook set, containing besides the customary table and seats, a concealed ironing. board that folds into a receptacle back of one of the sidi wall seats. The manufacturers claim that this is the only practical folding ironing board that has been put on ihi market, and that it is the only one that can be used anywhere in the kitchen, that it will fit conveniently under anv standard height rvindorv on sink.

Mr, E. W. Cummings is the inventive genius who per- fected the new features of the set,.and he has pointed with justifiable pride to the many advantages that it will offer the home owner.

.Mr, -Cummings said that it has ,always.been a problem rvith the builder to place one of the most important oarts of a kitchen, namely, the ironing board. Hq claims'that architects and builders have followed the custom of determining where to put this fixture, after the balance of the kitchen had been designed, and that there were thousands of kitchens in the corlntry that are poolly designed. and very inconveniently equipped, as a rgsulf.

.In using "Masterbilt," it is pos,sible to place the ironj1S-loara under any-window or sink, or in lny part of the k_itchen on account of its folding'feature, and that no part of the cabinet is over thirty-two inches high, the stindard height of a window stool.

The sets are made with an unsd.rpassed care to detail in construction. For.instancq, the spring steel hinge tlat supports the ironing board, when open, is a specially pat_ ented_feature, and is guaranteed to hold rnore-u,eighi than n'ould ever..be placed upon it, in ordinary use. Thi. up_ ptles as well to the unusual arrangement of the brace thlt falls into place when the nook ta6le is opened. Mr. Cum_ mings says that any part of the set can be easilv ooened by a.srnall child, and that they have entirely elimiirated the possibility of- p-art of the se[ collapsing suddenly, result- ing in injured feet, etc.

The breakfast set seats come in two styles, each with the concealed ironing board. In each, ttri tjble unfolds from.the end_wall, but they have made two styles of seats, vvhich are to be optional with the buyer. One is made with trvo full length, end-wall seats, and ihe other with the foui individual side wall seats. A feature of the former is that the brace is so constructed to allow ample leg room for the person sitting next to the wall.

These sets are manufactured by the ,,Masterbilt,' Fix_ ture Company, 4t Santa Barbara, ind come to the'dealers completely assembled ready to install. They are securelv crated at the factory and can be successfuliy shipped by local freight.

|n.r. B-ofd has stated that the company is receiving in_ quiries from a good many dealers, and itso from wf,ole_ sale distribLttors, for whom they have a verJr attractive proposition lle has also stated that the companJr is desirous of se- curing 1 fiIlt class sales manager who could take charge of the distribution of the product, and attend to all details ,of their sale. Persons interested in this could communi,catedirectwiththeirhomeoffice,atSantaBarbara.

The next issue of "The California Lumber Merchant" 'rvill contain another.advertise,ment, explaining more of the details of the ner,v line.

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