10 minute read
The Miller Carrier t l:r saves your cocK
United States rubber tires-the load picked up, not dragged -save wear and tear on your dock.
Judgins from the experience of those who have used the Miller Gas Lumber Carrier, we figure there should be a saving on up-keep ol about 60Vo,
If the lumber market you are figuring with a sharp pencil how to cut production costs. Add to the known saving in men and teams, the saving of wear and tear on your dock-and you have an economy that makes the installation of the Miller Gas Lumber Carrier almost mandatory.
Use the Miller in good times because it helps solve your production problems when you are straining every nerve to fill orders
Use the Miller when the market is dull because it will make_. you money by saving through its, economical operauon.
Write for literature giving accurate descriptions.
*Improtemcnts in l!24 model can be a;dded to oll earlier models in use.
Eut Sidc Mill & Lunbcr Coo Dirtributorr
(Continued from Page 36) rcducing this exccssive whitc fir scasoning degrade to very littlc above the 25Vo avcrage for the pines. In piling pnc, lfu-inch stickers will ordinarily rcquirc other factors to be handled just about right in ordcr to avoid producing stain. One-inch st bkers can seldom be uscd at all, becausc of tbc danger of stain when circulation is slowed down. Moreover, in the prre regioq where white fir is used for stickers whcnerrcr this cheaper wood is available, thin stickets arc undeCirable bccausc they cannot bc profitably sold ofr or used for any other purposc. The bearing of this point will bc discussed a littlc later in the article. Thus, for this rcgion, sr.cker tlaickness has little value as a variable to meet variations in conditions, and control of thc circulation must be sougbt by varying othcr factors, such as spacing bctwecn boards or introducing chimncys in thc pilcs.
Spacing Betwccn Boards
When for any reaaon it is not feadblc to changc sfckcr thiclcress in order to control circulation, the latter may be controlled by the spacing betwccn boards, The latter demands caSiful attentioq in any casc, bccause the iir circulation which is chiefly cffective in drying is a downward circulation rather than a horizontal draft through the pile. As thc air takes r{t watcr vapor it bccomes rapidly heavier and tends to sink Orrough the spaces bctween the boards. This faat makes clear, dso, the necessity for sufrcient space around thc pilc to give circulation enough, especially at thc bottrorn' to carry away the mcfsture laden air which accrrmulatcs there. In cxpcrimentd pilcs at the plant of the Pelican Bay Lurnbcr Cornpa.ny, Klamath Falls, Oreg:on, with the same stickcr thickress in thc specificd pilcs, thc total degradc (wh'ch was most of it duc to blue stain) was decreased from L4.5Vo to S.lVo, and. an cqually bcncficial rcduction in footage loss (duc to checking, etc.), wcre sccurcd by incrcasing the spacing bctwccn boards from 3 to 7 inches. Stain conditions arc cxccptionally bad in that region, whilc conditions tending to producc chccking, etc., are less scvcre than in some other localitics. Whcre sunmer heat is greater or avcmgc huraidity lower, to opcn Otc specing to as much as 7 inches might causc too great damage from checking and, warping. To gct efrective circulation control by board epacing also requircs morc carc in piling, to kccp thi spacing at thc standard, than is givcn by most lumbcr pilcrs. But thc- above re sults show what can bc accomplishcd through such control.
Ch;mneys and Horizontal Circulatiolr
To apprcciatc thc special valuc of chirnncys o; vents in pilinj practicc rcqurrcs attcntion now to a factor in the drying problcm not thris far discusscd. A look at the accompanying diagram will'show onc of thc most interesting facts developcd by this air seasoning study. Did you cvcr takc down a lumbcr prlc when it had sbasoned until thc top boirds felt dry and find thc bottom of the pilc still wet? Almoet cvcryone who has ta&en dowrt a hunber pilc has had that cxpericnce. But how much wetter. is thc boaom and how much longer does it takc to gct that bottom dry? If anybody knew, he has kept cxccedingly still about it. The diagram hercwith presentcd is an example of the dcfinite quantitive inforrnation about the drvinc Droccss which thc Forcat Scrvice study ias- irndertaken to obaitL This diagrari reprcsents -ordinarily comraercial air drying practicc, and thc particular pilc on which it ie bascd rras onc erected at thc plant of the Lassen Lurnber & Box Co., qr the east side of thc Sicrrax, wlrLere t3Vo of the moistuf,e content reprcscnts a fair air seasoning final equilibriurn- It shows (broken linci) that in this pilc it took the botto,nr of thc pile (B> L0% wecks to reach that..moigtutc iontent, while tbc- top of thc pUc (a) reached that conditioa in 7 rcelr. That is, thc bottm balf of thc file tool 16.5Vo Iongcr to dry than did thc top of thc pilc. Arid in somc of the e:pcnmeDtal dlcst thia c:rccss waa :rs high as 55%.
Thece facts indicate that onc of the most important points of ar scaaoning for thc industry !o do somc hard thinking about is how to pull the seasoning timc to thc bottom portions of lurnber dles down to that of the upper portions of the piles. The situat'on would only be a matter of gucss work and confcting opinionr witbout &6nite quantitive figures such ag this diagram shows. lf ghi6 sysning up of thc eeasocing rate bctwcen the difrcrent parts of the ptlc can anywherc ncar bc app,roachcd-and it can--and, in addition, a horizontal cut of thc drying t'rnc of thc whole dlc can bc made, for cxamplc by the usc of propct sticker thickness and board spcing 6rou8bout the pile, as abovc indicated at lcast for the redwood rcgio4 it will put a quite dificrcnt facc uBon the invcstFc,trt cos|: of the ari. seasoning of lurnbcr.

Now, to accompEsh this cvcning up of drnng in the pile, some mcttod must bc used whbh can be varitd for the difretut portions of the pilc. The varying oJ stic&er thickncss, howevcr, is not fcasiblc, if for no other rcason becau3c thc mintqlaa36 6f from one t6 thrcc million feet of stickcra in each of two or more dirrclrions, is a greater cxpcnsc than a yard can afiord to cany. Likcwise spacing between boards carurot fcasibly be varied for d'ffercnt parta of thc sanc plc, if for no othcr rcason than that the averagc lumber piler cannot or rill not pile that way. There are two nethods which it is bclieved can be uscd moct satisfactorily for this purpose. One of ttcgc is thc introduction of ctrirnneyr or vcntr into thc pile, and thc ot'hcr is rhat is termcd horizontal circulatior\ obtzincd by ncans of double stickers at certarn intcrvals, ChiEncys carried throughort thc pilc at thc srnc wid0r migtrt bc clased with a stickcr thiclness and board spacing as a mcaas of sccuring a straight iacrease in $asoning raltc throughout ttre pile, inasmuch as chirnncyr scrvc in a Ecasurc to dividr thc pile ino two or morc nattorcr one!. But cven ttus, they will cxcrt a greatcr efiect upon ttc bottom of thc pile than upon thc top. The cfiect upoo thc botton pction of thc pilc can bc increased either by carrying thc chimneys only onc-tralf or ono.third of thc way up thc fle, when the tqp of tte pile docs not nced to bavc it3 drying ratc in crcascd, or, .othcrrisc, by irral'ng the chinncy tapcr from a vidcr basc to a Darrotcr top. Horizontal circulation meana simply the opcning up of thc pilc by introducing doublc stickers (onc on top of tbe othcr) at intervals, s:ry, bcrtwccn cvcry fifth to tcnth board oourse, as thc scytrity of-cooditions may rcgu-re, throuShout the towcc portions of ttrc lxlc. It should bc rrotcd that evcning up thc drying ratc of thc pilc by such. ugc of chimneys or horizontal circulation afords a mcans of spccding up the total drying time, cveo in localities flrch ac portiorx of the pine regim, wierc thc nui' mum rapidity of drying is clearly limitcd by liabilig to footage.lqqq in thc lunber-, duc to chccking, etc.
Footage Locses
Footagc losscs duc to tle'.dcrclopritir* .of mechanical defccts such lr ebcgking, watt> ing etc., whitrc lcss scrious.tban rain, aslEDG consdcrablc proportioni in tbe'ginc' tctdotr: Besides ptopcr adjustrrcat of circulation fur t'hc pilc, as prcviously discusscd, thcrc arc three spccial measures which can bc employcd to overcomc this troublc. First it is de sired to discuss the alignnent of stickcrs. When stichers arc carelcssly placcd as it is common to find thcm in many yardq therc is bound to bc trouble from varpcd and crookcd lurnbca Care in tecptas tbc ctickers vcrtically pLaced above cach othcr *ill rnorc thel p.y fa 6c dillt crln tic rcquircd ia piling. It ie rcetrcd thrt ttir L j aimsdl Eiltct to hdd to rtrnderd rbrre pitiog is doac by coltr.ct or licce rcl. Brn it is rortt attcotioo. Thc rccod pdc it to havc thc cod sticbr otdrp e lit& bcyond thc co& of ttc berdr. Wbco thil ir done, noch lar cnd chccling dcad4. then othcrvirc ooerrr. Iorcotr, thcn ttc en& of thc boardr proftu bcyood ttc rticb crsr an cnd chccl oncc rtartcd tcoda b co. tinuc until it EGGI! &c.ticlcr. Evco tbctt it is considcrcd Dd fcadblc to inrirt o ttc stictcc ovcdapling &c ctd! of thc borrdr, thc rarng rtich ir posible fto- heriry the atictcr er clorc at pocdble b 6c cfdt of the berds ir ro gred tbet no c@D.!t can a.fiord to let continuc roch cerdg aa tror oftca prcvailr Hcrc dlo, it i! rcalize4 horrscl, tl'ot r lar8c dift.trltt rt oDoe arilc3 froA thc qolnnn practicc d nany comparicr of piling in ttc rrnc pilc lumbcr of hapiazard lcostha ro thd rt ttc rcar cod of the file thcre arc not coontb bocrdr of thc longeet length to rtplct r sticlcr ticr. And th.t btiqt ur to ttc ffi euggcstion It may, admittcdln be feedblc fc vcry fcr companice to !o,tt th& hnbcr cm. plcteb to lcntltr ro that cacn pih rq$ contain bo.rds of oac lca$h @Iy. Tli p'racticc, borcycr, uadcr nany dinetic coditions vould aavc o rouch ncchedcel: de eradc and footagc lc tbat it! lro6trblcoc.. is by no ncanr vidooery. At ttc lc.i, thc cvidence cotinually grorr tbat a hrg: irvinS ca! bc cficctcd by cgrcgrtio of 6G lumbcr into et lcut tro drr.cr, nefins thc division immcd:atcly aboe thc lcogth rhich is cut in grcatcdt volume. This pcrnitr pil'ng thc lunbcr up to and including 6at lcrgth rith rtichcrs at thc cnd of thc longG3t b@rds, and thcrcforc ?ith df uut> ported ovcrhaag conGrcd cntircly ti6i! +c prle: Such ovcrhang rithin the lilc rcdt! in moch lccr end cncctoc than occrr rto thc ovcrbang is iu tbc lotp* bo.dr rDd butridc thc protcction of thc cod *iclctr. Thc lunbcr Longcr tbea thc lcogb qt h grc.tcst voluroc rill 6c! proUrUy 1ile fdrly rcll by iacE And ccca if it d€ roq the aaviag of lumbcr, rbcre demeg! b.t beco at all coaidcrablc litt ur>Ggncd F.litrt, rill bc $6cicnt, it i! bclictc4 b sbol a hrdlooe foGt.ovcr thc cort d such a simplc rcgrcgubn Dcfuie quutitivc figrner .8e Dot yct dcarlt finel o dir po-nt but it ir crpcccil tb.t thct titr bc ro bcf,orc tte rcL clorca Frctorr Aficctiry Slrein TUg dircursioo epplicr rpcdficelly b ltc liae rcgion And hcrc, u b tbc ca* of lo6tagClorrc!' 6; f.ctar o bc dirc -urcd arc in addition to thc FopcE ootrol of cb cuhtion p'rcviouely notcd. Firrg it ir dcrircd to alircEss thc bd end c.hrnotcr of atic}crs to bc urcd. Thc &ta on ttc pointr herc invrlved. arre lot yit cmpletc bit tlc folloring atc thc qutiottt ihic! lrc bciag ltudicd. Whih rhitc fir dicl.rl uet-{ by.thc ildrltrt dictty-bccaurc oa th.ir grc8ffi cbcepcal ttir rfccicr 1l dooHcl bcttcr tha! piac for ttat p|rDocq, rt lc.t then rap dnc, bcceuc of itr frccdon fro,o ..!t b. Pr,crcnt alata ho*vcr, rccn to.b dicatc rtet old bleclcocd licbr"'crvco'of rhitc 6r, tnnradt uc aio b-tb. hD' bcr pttcd :ritt 6etn tbr* '4o.-ri.r'.!tsco rticlcrc. Tbb Dh.!c of tbc Foblco h DF iac c.rcfully ltudicd. er. rcll et &G ilf6te ail-vantase:€f DotLi - 6r''""6 tirrt':fiap 'sticftr4 rbicb aurt bc uccal b mc'.rc' gione rhcre--rlitc-6r ir aot rveifrbh. S
LoUtco of ncr vr. old *aincd *ic.br L of great inportancc bccaurg, lholtl it bc provcd th.t eny lerge enouat of rtab osBur fron the orc of old ltickcrr rhich coold bc. preveatcd by tr.Fry oly ncr oncr, tb industry could brndmcty afcd to 6gqe
(Continucd on Pegp 4{) -':-"
Moore Dry Kilns Used By California Door
The nerv mill of the California Door Company, at Diamond Springs,'completed just recently, has just begun production and is cutting in the neighborhood of 150,000 feet of pine per shift.
This mill, one of the most modern in the state, is a double band outfit, the main mill being l8oxl82 in size, with an addition 3Ox6O, and in addition there is a well equipped box factory.
Dry kiln equipment of the California Door Co. consists of six Moore charge kilns, of tile and concrete construction. The battery of dry kilns is shorvn in the accompanying illustration.
"The kilns consist of six rooms llx104. They are Moore's improved charge kilns of the baffle type, which produces a fast internal circulation, but have no fans or other mechanical eouiDment. They are flexible and the operator ""n g.t "ny condition of temperature and humidity."
The Creo-Dipt Co., Inc. has decided to put in a staining plant at Vancouver'. B. C. It is expected that this will be in operation by the first of next year. The factory will be similar to others established by this company in various parts of the United States, and will turn out shingles stained in thirty shades of green, brown, red, gray and "Dixie White."
Mr. R. I. Nairn, manager at Vahcouver, B. C. for this firm told a representative of this paper recently that the advertising appropriation of the Creo-Dipt Co. lor 1924 rvas $200,000. Sales ln 1923 totaled 2,26 cars of shingles. The qtrota for 1924 is 3,000 cars, and this will probably be exceeded. All shingles are stained and are 100 per cent clear, vertical grain. A new sales ofifice will shortly be opened in California.