1 minute read
Marrh-Strong Building, Lor Angelcl Phonc TRiaity 966?
Hepburn Mill Changes Name
The Hepburn IVIill Company, an old etablished Los Angeles sash and door manufacturing concern, has changed the frrm name to the Hepburn-Topham Mill Company, Inc.
The partners in the business are Mr. C. A. Hepburn, the founder of the busihess, and Ollie A. Topham, who took an interest in the concern, a few years ago.
Sells Miller Carrier In California
Mr. L. D. Stephenson is now selling the Miller Gas I-umber Carrier in California and Arizona,. He will also cover Nelv Mexico. Mr. Stephenson is well known in the southwest as a builder and ooerator of sawmills.
ITIFTY-THREE year! aso
.[. built thig Catholic school California. lt ie now being Redwood lumber it contains.
Bradtey Brand

Scientific Hln drying prererve! within our productr naturetl oturdy and beautiful gualities' while
Modern maclfinery and ddtled human effort irutifier our rlogan