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RebuildingOldHomes in Vogue

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By RICHARD G. KIUBELL, Nationd Lunbcr Uanufacturcre Acrocietion

In Washhston, in Ner Yorh and doubtlcg nuy otbcr of ttc older citice ol the Unitcd Stater one of ttc mort mrhcd ald b' tercsting phagcs of homc-making at prrc*rcBt ir tbe ctlbrtic' oG might ainiost say profcssional recosrruction and rrodccniutim of old-homes. It is ioi only a salvaging proccs of ouch ccmon:c veloc, but it is also an absa6iar and-cdu&tive catcr1lrilc aDd il h.vbg no little civic value in thaiit is rcstoring thole rrrdoru nasbc' hoods, br'nging back red cstatc valueg and ir et thc ramc tioc preserving hundreds of thc charming spccimcDs of the architccturc of the pcriod preceding thc Civil War.

It is almost invariably formd that therc eolid borocr 9f 9gr forcfathcrs wcre so wclt planncd and built thrt any liluclnrrl &\ fects that have dcvelopcd- have bccn duc to thc rcttling of t lb and foundations ratficr than to any wcalocc of netqid g Foq workmanship. Rcccntly a ?O0-yeat old hoorc o &c^Ner Englatrd sea-coast wls restored. It rar found thet tbc oftlood undcr' floors, put down so long ago, werc at rotr1d as thc day liey lcrc cut aBd so much hardencd by agc that lhco alrcllcd tncy medr cxcellert top-flooring. Rcbuildcn ate fnd;ng ewrnacrc thet d1 rnost all of-the lumber in tbcrc old borcr' rtctbcr thcy erc d framc or masonry constnrction, ir ar good a! Dst' ud lbqgvct Q9 dimensions pcrmit it is being re-urcd in 6c dtcrati@. Whca edditional nci matcriat ir required tbc rcooratcr 6odt that b. h.r under.taLen his work opportuncly aa luobcr ir lor aboEt 'lO IE cent chcapcr than it ras in 1920, and evco l0 pcr,caot chcapcr rrnn in 1923. Other building natcrial rhore dmilar dcclince




Furniture Stock in Setr CUT TO SIZE Rcady , to Ascmble

Flat Surfacer Hardwood Trim Suded BRADTEY TUMBER C(). OF ARKANSAS WARREN . ARKANSAS C. l\ll" Chr*, Reprercntative l.oe Angelee Chicago Lumber C.o. of Wa&" San Fnreirco

In the smallct and aho in the nsset tortr ald eitice of- thc ""u"try-O"rc il ju"t;; bcing dcvclopcd a lystcorth driec6 iG. build liouses of comparatively ieccnt pcdod- It fu tcll rmdcrood that dwelling arctitecture was at a lor e$b ia_thc lert- p.rt of 6G ninetccnth and tnc first part of tbir ccdury. For ncarly a qEG of a centur5r a small home tbat ta8 not an cyG..oar frm ttc dry it was built was rarc, and a rnajorig of the large hoccr tcrc'dte citics pcrpetrated on defcnsclcrs cy6. Uaay o[ therc boorcr erc lurnbci-briilt and contain so much rturdy netcrid thrt b tlccl thcm ie apt to be strccr vartc. So cvcrSrvbcrc re bcar d ncq who, having grown into larpr rncanr and bcttcr trttg att- cr& in:ng their old homca vith a vicw to impoviig tbdr aryhibdlrrt by alterations and crtcoding them to trcct DGt rcquircDadtL Thousands of peoplc who hatt to let tbc old bore go arc cnd!! that simple external altetations and additior tnnrforn a! trdt cdiice irito a homc of bcaury aad that tbc rdfitional noorn aa. quired may be secured at l01cr coct by additionr and rcerrrngF mcnts than by thc erection of a ncr bourc.

In thc cities, rmfortunatcly. hidcous architccture apIENrr to bevc becn accompanied frcquently by'jerry-building" dtriDg tbc pcciod of architecturd tsilighg so that tlrae it docr mt dnp Ey b lq conffuct a house of-the 6rst or rccond gcocr.tion brcl. Tbc gooal materids in such structures do not have the 'ralvagc vrluc in place" which ir rcdizcd in tbc bdlding of carcful-lorlqud-ip. Bui that reconstruction and dtetation are vafdy improviry thc residence districtr of tlle sraaller citic ir evcded to cvcry autdto' bile tourist Incidentally, ttete is litrlc doubt about thc iofucocc of the automobilc in bioadcning the architcctnral apgcciatim ol ihe average cifzen- Along rith inproved fotm thcrc is rtlo en tdvance in the usc of colc. Our fathcts aad grendfettcf,! acco to have gone color-blind about the ramc timc 6cy lqt thcrr ap1ryir tion oJ proportion, so drat infcrior paindng of itr-arrortcd colcr was oftcn added to shocking architecture. Tbc r.built houcs .sc gcnerally bcing paintcd in good tastc.

Rebuilding or dtering are oftea c:ccllcnt invcatocotr csca where nd neicssary froni thc ut'lization point of vicr. Scllint values thus gained are frcqucntly out of proportion to ttc crfoacThis is partiiulartv true of lunbcr-built hourc4 dicb erc pccufedy susceptille to altiration, and they arc a large proportioa of qe housci which are available for renovation Building material dcr} ers througtrout the countr5r are actively assisti.ng their dientr in studying and planning alterations of an improrring nature! bgth _prsq tically ind csdhctically; and the local architect will usually bc lod to bi a vcry Btaunch supportc of any dcparturc that ponircr r bctter looking town.


In zlll Stocl Sizor












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