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San Diego Hoo-Hoo
Starting New Year with Bang
San Dlcgo's Neu Snarft
--Joe_Restine, the r.relv Vicegerent of the San Diego Hoo Hoo .Di:trict, is getting himself into harness in finJ shape, and is.lining out what promises to be a big year for the oider, in his territory.
He has completed the appointment of his Nine for the yeg, gn{ it looks like a splendid line-up:
E. L. Bullen, 31378, Senior Hoo Hoo, Homeland Building Co.
C. C. West, 31599, Junior lfoo }foo, Benson Lumber Co.
I Harry A. Cass, 33498, Bojum, McCormick Lumber Co.
G. F. Hoff, 22571, Scrivenoter, Materialmen's Ass'n.
G. E. Mattison, 30668, Custocation, City Lumber & Wrecking.
F. D. Park, 25576, Jabberwock, La Mesa Lumber Co.
They have planned a golf tournament for October l9th., and expect to hold a Concatenation the following week.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
The meeting on October 3rd. was under the direction of \/icegerant Frank Curran, as Chairman of the day. Frank_surprised the boys with a wonderful musical-program. Mrs. Schatt, a noted soprano, sang a group of song's, and Mr. Z- Earl Meeker, recently from New York, rendered three numbers. Mr. Meeker is connected with the Southern California Music ,Company, at Los Angeles" The program was a delightful surprise for a hot day, and 'r.vas rvell received bv the fiftv-four members who attended the meeting llerman Rosenberg reported for the Golf Committee. He announced arrang'ements for a tournament at the Rancho Country Club, for the afternoon of October 10th.' Details of this affair are in this issue.
Mr. A. B. Wastell, Secretary Manager of the State Retail Association, was a guest and responded to his introduction rn'ith a ferv minutes' talk on Hoo Hoo and on the coming Convention of the Association, to be held at the Biltnore lfotel, Los Angeles, on November 7th and 8th.
Frank Currah announced that the Los Angeles District Hoo Hoo would hold a Concatenation duringlhis Convention, and that he would appoint his Committees during the vyeek of the l3th.
Frank Wise, of Patten & Davies, won the attendance prize, donated by Charlie Brace.
C. E. Jackson, 32456, Arcanoper, W. P. Fuller Co.
C. A. Lane, 33501, Gurdon, J. W. Glasson Co.
The San Diego Hoo Hoo -have resumed their weekly luncheons, at the Maryland Hotel each Friday ttoon, "rri they extend an invitation to all Hoo Hoo to- visit ihem. Their's is Hoo Hoo Club Number One.
Isaac Bledsoe A California Visitor
Isaac :Bledsoe, of San Antonio, Texas, has been visitilg i" California on a combined business and pleasure trip. He is Vice-Presideht of the Home Builder's-Lumber Co. at San Antonio.