2 minute read
How Abouta Revival of wooden Home Building in So. California?
He was a lumber man from the South-not the South of California, but the Old South where they miss their ,,R's,' in speaking-and he has recently been visiting Califo,rnia and looking thihgs over.
When a lumberman visits any strange territory the first thing that catches his eye, naturally, is the building actituity, and this lumberman was no difierent from the others. In California particularly, everyone is inclined to pay particular attention to the building things they see, so the visiting lumberman finds much to engross his attention in Southern California, with its great tide of building.
He strolled into The California Lumber Merchant office on his rounds, and this is one of the thoughts he turned ' loose:
"Why don't the lumbermen of California work for more frame homes, wooden homes, in this territory ? Everything out her'e in modest priced homes of an attractive character, is stucco. There is nothing particularly difierent or attractive about the wooden homes you.see here, while there is a riot of interesting architecture in the brick and stucco homes. I know other territories where they are building much more attractively with wood than they are in Cali_ foria. And while the lumbermen sell lots of wood for stucco homes, of course, as well as for brick veneer homes, he sells still more when he builds homes covered with wooden siding of shingles, and there is no material that lends itself better to beauty in modest home construction, than does wood."
And he went on to enlarge on the theme, that he believed the lumbermen of California are not giving their attention enough to the encouragement of wooden homes, and were evidently not giving the building trade sufficient assistance in the selection of rvooden homes.
"Why shouldn't the lumbermen of California work for the use of more beautiful, modest sized, wooden homes,,, he wanted to knolv. "There is no stucco job on earth that can possibly last as long or give as much iatisfaction as Redwood siding. Siding vvon't crack, and it will last for a generation without deterioration. Also it can be put on in very beautiful fashion. Shingle sided homes bring the same sort of results. They give splendid satisfaction to the home owner. And they put more money into the pocket of the retailer of lumber. California dealers should use plan books made up especially of wooden home plans, and they should be ready with their suggestions and information, so that the customer may learn the advantages of the wooden home.
"I really believe Southern California should wake up and build morer beautiful homes of wood. It may not have the 'permanence' of brick, but it has more 'endurance,' and will last as long as anyone wants a modest home, and will
(Continued on Page 51.)
Twisted Proaerbs:
"lt's a poor rule that doesn't s[ir[ both waya."
Unles_s you-give_us the opportunity to show you the trade building fcatuies of our
you'll miss profits that should swell YOUR bank account.
AII the richness of-Mahogany, but lower in price and in cost of 6nish.
The ONLY Inqortas vith our ovn Timba S,pply ad Mills h Luzon, oil with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUARIERS cr Sth and Brannan Sts. ,San Francieco
- Lot Angclce
We Take Good Care Of Our Lumber
Well ventilated sheds in our yard where HARDWOOD LUMBER and FLOORING are Pro-tccled from rain "r,a "rr, "J d.fir.tJ to you BRIGHT and CLEAR and FREE FROM CHECI(S. WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS we employ HIGH POWERED, _COMPETENT MEN to fill orders. we -carry- !q9H -GRADE " - -SToca ""J *" ""lr t" nicH clAss TRADE at DOWN RIGIIT LOW PRICESWE SATISFY YOULET US SHOW YOU