2 minute read
How Lumber Looks
San Francirco, October 13: (telegram)- t'Tbe Douglar Fir cargo demand isvery good in ttir sec{ion of the staie with the pricer the rame as of two weekr ago. d new feature ir the general reluctance of the millr to quote on new burineu and they report full order books, with good percentage of California burinesi. The rail demand is good, with firm pricec. No change in the California Pine market, the demand ir spofted and pricer are about the sarne. Redwood market rhows decided improvernent erpecially in Northern California. Redwood rhingles are strong in price with a very heavy demand.tt
The above would just about fit the balance of the date.
The milla are merrily cutting lota of lumber and are
Rod Hendrickson Will Give California Splendid Hoo Hoo Leadership
The Spokane Convention chose wisely and rvell when it na.med Rod Hendrickson, of San Francisco, Junior Hoo Hoo for the present year. He was President last year of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club and is a man possessed of those characteristics of leadership that bring him friendly co-operation from all who know him. He knows Hoo Hoo, loves the Order and its usefulness, is proud indeed of thehigh place that the Commonwealth of California holds in the Domain of the Great Black Cat, and he is keenly ambitious to make thisthe greatest constructive year that Hoo Hoo has ever had. The gang will be back of him from Oregon to Mexico, and from Nevada to the Pacific's silvery strand.
Give him a helping hand whenever the opportunity occurs, and watch his smoke.
Lumberman Of Nevada County Found Dead
Charles S. Fowler, aged about 60, a lumberman of Nevada county, was found dead in bed at his sawmill near Washington, today.
Fowler was the proprietor of a sawmill at Washington and two lumber yards at Grass Valley. He is survived bv a widow and one son.
Sen Francirco Oficc 90O Mstron Bldt. Phoc Garfirld tIO
Southcrn Oficc
2nd Nadoaal Buk Bldr. Hourton, Tcxar
Northwcrtcrn ehipping as little as possible into thie low priced territoty. The Atlantic and Gulf Coart markets are yielding a eplendid volune to the Fir mills and at much higher lirtt than ttre California dealerr apparently will conrider.
Retail conditions, all rtrrough the rtatg are in much better ehape. The Bay Dirtrict reports healthy building permits this farin October and indications in Loo Angelel are that the total this month will equat the high mark set in September.
A much more optimistic feeling is iroted by men in aII branchec of the game. They reem to feel that the'low linc war reached Iast month, and that we are on the up grsde with some profitable burinere in the offing.
Special Train To Fresno
The Round Trip fare to Fresno, on the special train leaving Los Angeles.on the night of the Dth, to attend the Convention of the California Retail Lnmbermen's Associat:on, is $10.10. Lower berths are $3.75 and uppers $3.00.
Reservations are being taken by the chairman of the Transportation Committee. PhilB. Hart. care "California Lumber Merchant," 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Jas. McDonald, general manager of the Mackall-Paine Veneer Co., Vancouver, \Mashington, was a recent California visitorrvhere he spent several days in the San Francisco and Los Angeles territories on business. Mr. McDonald will continue his trip east, calling on the trade in El Paso, Nerv Orleans, Chicago, Nerv York and Boston. Upon his arrival at New York, he will leave for London and the Continent. He will return to Vancouver, Washington, about January 1. The McDonald L,umber Co. of San Francisco are the sales agents for the Mackall-Paine Veneer Co.