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Retail Business For $ 13,000
Here is an opportunity to go into the retail lumber business with an investment of only thirteen thousand .dollars. Owner wants to sell a well located yard, in town of I2,0OO, has done as high as fifty thousand dollars a year and has always show'n a profit. Margins this year are low. Last year it cleared 30 per cent on investment, after paying salaries to three. All equipment, truck,Ford,trailer, mill, cabinet shop. office, shed and fences included in above price. Stock will invoice less than an additional two thbusand dollars. For information address box 78-F. care California Lumber Merchant.
J. S. Ferguson, manager of the Shaver Lake Lumber Co., Clovis, was a recent visitor in San Francisco, where he was callingon the lumber trade. Mr. Ferguson was on his way home, having just returned from a two-weeks' trip to the Northwest, where he was a visitor at manv of the mills and making a survey of lumber conditions in ihat section.
A. J. Wartes, well-known Northwest shingle distributor and manager of the Excel Shingle Co., Seattle, Wash., was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent a few days on business matters. He also had a conference with E. B. linford, representative of the Continental Building Specialties, while in the Bay District. In speaking of Jhingle market in the Northwest, Mr. Wartes states that this lias been a fair year for the shingle manufacturers in Washington and Oregon.
First Reservation Arrives
Five hundred letters were mailed on the morning of the 8th, announcing the special Southern Pacific train that would journey from Los Angeles to Fresho, carrying the delegates to the Annual Meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, the 30th and 31st.

Early Saturday morning, the l0th, comes a letter from Frank N. Gibbs, of the Gibbs Lumber Company, Anaheim, with a check for a round trip ticket and a berth. To Frank goes the distinction of having made the very first reservation.
A telephone canvass of Los Angeles proper, on the 9th, disclosed a number of names that would be added to the list, in the next few days.
This train will leave the Southern Pacific Station, Los Angeles, on the evening of the 29th, arriving at Fresno early Friday morning, and leaving there late Saturday night.
The round trip fare on the special train is $15.15, lower berths $3.75 and uppers $3.00'
Registration Committee Appointed
A committee of three has just been appointed to look after the registratioh of delegates at the Annual Meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, at Fresho the 30th and 31st.
J. G. Martin, the dean of the San Joaquin Valley, proprietor of the Fresno Lumber Company; Ben Maisler of Maisler Brothers and Frank Minard of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, a happy trio, will look after every one at the registr-ation booth, ahd see that they are properly taken care oI.
Bill Glenn Returns From Northwest Trip
Bill Glenn, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned to the Bay after spending two weeks in the Northwest on business. While in the Northwest, he was a visitor at the company's plant at Marshfield, Ore., and also spent a few days calling on his many lumbermen friends in Portland. He says that the lumber market is in good shape at the mills ani that they have a nice volume of Susiness on their books.While in Portland. he was a caller at the offices of C. M.'Weatherwax & Co.. where he had a nice visit with Bill 'Woods, formerly of San Francisco, who he reported is doing nicely in the "Rose City" and who sends his kind regards to his many Bay District friends. Bill made the trip by machine and was accompanied by Mrs. Glenn.
Al Kelley Spends Few Days In Los Angeles
Al Kelley, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Valley representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., has returned from a trip to Los Angeles, where he spent a few days looking over the wonder spots of the Southland. Al made the trip by motor and was accompanied by Mrs. Kelley. Mrs. Kelley will remain in Los Angeles, where she will visit with relatives.
R. O. Deacon and F. Dean Prescott, the well-known Fresno lumbermen, were recent San Francisco visitors, where they spent a few days calling on the lumber trade. They were present at the special luncheon given to Al Haglr, Snark of the IJniverse, and his party at the Palace Hoiel on Monday, September 28, and had the pleasure of greeting the new Snark.