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Join Hoo Hoo Club Luncheon for Snark A. J. Hager
There was a special joint luncheon of San Francisco HooHoo Club No.9 and East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Monday, September 28, in honor of A. L. Hager of Lansing, Mich., the Snark of the IJniverse, and his party, who were making a tour of the Pacific Coast following the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Spokane. About 75 attended the luncheon.
President John C. McCabe of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 presided over the business session. The first speaker called on was Frank Trower, who made a short talk on what was done at the Hoo-Hoo Annual. In speaking of the legislation accomplished there, he said that the Convention did its work better than any he had ever attended, many problems were put in the discard, and that the settlement of all the problems that came before the Convention were carried with great co-operation and harmony.
Dave Woodhead of Los Angeles spoke on the Administrative Details of the Convention. He said that four important matters were accomplished at the Annual-the appointment of an Executive Committee, consisting of the Snark and two other members of the Order residing in St. Louis, which will greatly facilitate administrative matters; important changes in the Ritual; changes in the Constitution and By-Laws, .and last, that everything done at the
Convention was accomplished with complete harmony. He spoke on the proposed Hoo-Hoo House to be erected at St. Louis, and he also told the Club not to forget the fact that California Hoo-Hoo should set aside a g'rove among the giant Redwoods where all members of Hoo-Hoo could congregate during the summer months.
Milt Hendrickson, Secretary:Treasurer of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Oakland Club, in the absence of President Chai. Lamb, spoke for his Club and assured Snark Hager that during his term of office he wouldhave the wholehearted sqpport of East Bay Club No. 39.
J. Walter Kelly, past vicegerent snark of the Bay District, spoke on Hoo-Hoo activities during the past year, which was one of the best years the Bay District ever had.
Rod Hendrickson, Supreme Junior Hoo-Hoo, advised the Club that the address on "Peace. War and World Brotherhood," which was delivered by Parson Simpkin over Sta' tion KTAB, was a great success. He promised Snark Hager the support of the district over which he has jurisdiction during his term of office.
Fred Roth, the vicegerent snark for the Bay District for the coming year, spoke on the Hoo-Hoo Concatenation that
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