1 minute read
The Long-Bell organization has been fifty years in the making. The company did not grow by accident or circumstance. Growth was brought abru,t Ag menwhohave shaped its course, who have worked their ways through earlier years ofexpe{ience to executive management. There, in the record of its men, is the real story of The Long Bell Lumber Company; there is the story oftheplanningand building of the Pacific Northwest development.
Yeffiow Douglas Fir Finish
TIHE long8ell Lumber Company lf is featuring vertical grain Soft, Old Growth, Yellow Douglas Fir in B & Btr. grade for interior trim where only the best is desired.Thislumbet is also manufactured in factory thicknesses for sash, door and other factory uses inB&Btr.,Select, No. 1 and No.2 shop grades. Gratifring effects canbe obtained from the choice of
These Other Products: vertical, slash or mixed grain as desired. Long.Bell trade-marked Douglas Fir is equally excellent as interior and exterior 6nish for all building pulposes. The "C" grade can befumished in mixed grainwherealower grade of finish may be used.
Southern Pine Lumber andTimbers; Creosoted Lumber, Timbers, Posts, Poles, Ties, Guard-Rail Posts' Piling; Southern l{ardwood Lumber and Timbers; Oak Flooring; California White Pine Lumben Sash andDoors.
As a means of identification, the trade-mark"LongBell" is on the end of the piece.