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Laughlin Leaving Los Angeles
Southern California rvill lose one of its most popular members of the wholesale fraternity, when C. J. (Clint) Laughlin, for several years manager for the Long-Bell Lumber Company, at Los Angeles, moves his headquarters to San Francisco.
Mr. Laughlin expects to make the move in about thirty days, replacing Mr. Kenneth Smith who is being transferred to the Philadelphia offices.
The Los Angeles offices ,will remain under Mr. Laughlin's supervision with I\{r. Harvey Bowles as resident manager.
Lumber company, corporation, near Los Angeles. wants experienced lumbernran to invest $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 for expansion needs and be active. Good location in a fast growing territory. Will arrange appointment. Address Box A-72,care California
I.umber Merchant.
Fresno's newest and most palatial hostelry, the Californian Hotel, will entertain the delegates to the Annual Meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
The business sessions will be held in the beautiful ball room on the mezzanine floor and Saturday night the annual ball will be held in the same room, with dancing or the balcony.
The Californian is unsurpassed in the state for hospitality, and arrangements for taking care of the retail lumbermen are in the hands of the genial assistant manager N'Ir. Bob Cavannaugh.
Longview Developments
New developments for Longview, Wash., that will run wellinto the millions of dollars were announced recently to the Longview Chamber of Commerce by R. A. Long of the Long-Bell Lumber Company. With the exception of a $100,000 port development the new expenditures will be entirely by private industries recently interested in Longview.
They include the building of three mills and a railroad by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, which company recently purchased 700 acres of land at Longview, the construction of a $100,000 marine distributing plant by the Standard Oil Company, the expenditure of $10O,000 by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, $100,000 for the firstunit of the new Longview docks recently voted by the Port of Kelso District, and finally, the very probable expenditure of from one and one-half to two and onehalf millions by an unnamed concern thatis expected to locate in Longview. This does not include the $1,000,000 that must be spent to provide the 850 additional houses needed for Weyerhaeuser ancl I-ong-Bell workmen.
The "Trade Mark"-our new line of non-infammable lumber treated under the Somoza patentr.
AIso "somozided" Shingles-with all t{re popular shades of stainin fireproof liquids. Think what THAT meanr--our
Paint Factory
is now in operation, here in Los Angeles, and we can supply full lines of FIREPROOF PAINTS-the application ofwhich creates a fire retardent surface on ilre wood coverd.
MOISTITE is a money maker for the lumber merchant as it can be used in so many ways in building. Architects and contractors have long /wanted a light-colored, thoroughly waterproof sheathing paper; they have it in MOISTITE.
MOISTITE is different from anything else on the market and its process of manufacture is protected by a United States patent. Processed bitumen is introduced in the making of the paper and not applied after the paper is made. The bitumen so thoroughly saturates andbindstogether the inner 6bres that it becomes a part of the paper itself.
MOISTITE is strong and pliable-it isvermin proof, germ proof and sanitary-it insulates the building against wind, dampness and dust.
The large amount of buildingonthe Pacific Coast provides a bigmarket for MOISTITE.
Good Profits for the Lurnber Merchant
MOISTITE is backed with a practical merchandising and advertising campaign, including many effective dealer helps.
The Zellerbach Paper Company is now appointing dealers. Write or call at the nearest division for samples of MOISTITE, descriptive literature and other information which showshow the lumber merchant can cash in with this new waterproof sheathing.