2 minute read
Carload bryers specify Laminex!
I-\IRECT orders of Laminex doors-carload after carload-are LJ nowbeing placed by building material dealers throughout the country to insure adequate stocks to meet what experts agree will be a big year for construction.
In less than two years Laminex doors-made by the world's largest door manufacturershave won a nation-wide market. There are two reasons for this: (l) Laminex doors will not shrink, swell or warp. (7) The public, as well as architectsand builders, know this through national advertising featuring the famous Laminexwater test.
I-aminex is made of old-growth Douglas fir-built-up by crossing layers- "lamination"-much different from doors with solid stiles and rails which have no countercheck against warping. By uniting layers under tremendous pressure with waterproof cement, we put amazing strength into Laminex.
Progressive door jobbers everywhere stock Laminex.
Send for free details of our plan of merchandising co-operation for-dealers. We will also send actual sample of Laminex wood so-you can make the famous Laminex water test for vourself.
S.l NCE originated a yeor ogo by the forcst Products Lqturatorr. lJnioersity of \Vashingon, tlii JaM Ldmtnet wter test has becn swcessfully rePeated. by Doyton Sqsh ond. Dor ComPany, Dqyton; McPhee and McCin^ity, Denwr; Hortmn Company, Neu Orleam; Tacom "Oun Yur Home" E bosition. Tuoru; Cole Mqnulacturint ComPany, M em ph is ; M cCauld, Brooh.lyn; CaliJornia I ndustrial ErPos ition, San F rorc iso :South Tercs Fair , Beaurcnt ; andother lead ing dor distriblltors and. h/ilding -ruteriql eepositia^s. U^det thia riEorda teat, rc Laminer dor has aer wrbed. or @me a\art!
Filling in of the lot on East Montecito, owned by the Boyd Lumber and Mill Company, is now under way, a preparatory step toward the removal of the company's lumber- yards -and general mill plant on Mason street to the far east side.
At the offices of the company it was stated this morning that the removal of the plant to the new location would not occur for at least a year, and perhaps not for trvo years, but that preparations were being made far in advance by filling in thi lot so that the heavy filI necessary rvould have completely settled before actual building begins'
- Eventually, it is said, the Santa Barbara Lumber Company will move from the ocean front to the east side. The iompany already has a site which can be used when the time foimaking'the change comes, if it is finally decided to change locations.
Today the Boyd Mill and Lumber Company secured a permit for the building of a $5000 kiln rvhich is to be erectid on the Mason street site, lvltere the company's plant is now located.
W. E. Thayer, San Francisco, manager of the Marin Lumber & Supply Co., has returned after spending an enjoyable trvo months' trip in the East. Among the eastern points visited were, New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Estes National Park, and Denver. While in New England, he visited for several days with friends at Dennis on Cape Cod. His return west was made via Yellowstone National Park. at which place he was joined by his son.In speaking of business conditions in the East, he stated that he found conditions more or less spotted.