1 minute read
a,t VentLtra, fi I Interior Viernz, Ventura Offiee
Frank Burnaby, a "Mr. Pep" if there ever was one, operating the Sun Lumber Company at Beverly Hills and a new plant at Ventura under the same name, is justly proud of this very fine yard that is showing marvelous results.
The two pictures give a good idea of the thought that rvas given to the plans for tl,e yard, almost as good as could be told in rvords. Thel' have a well-located site on one of the main streets of the town, close to the center of business activity.
The yard was very carefully planned to give the rnaximum efficiency at low cost.
The offices are beautiful. They are trimmed in various hardwoods, contain samples of a great nurnber of side lines. roofings, breakfast nooks, ironing boards, etc.. of different makes, and the private offices of the manager and his assistant are handily located as can be seen in the illustration.
They have a complete mill, built along all modern lines,
Interior aiew of beautiful offices. their equipment is of the latest kind, and rvith two men like L. R. Byers, u'ho is general Manager, and H. E. Albro, Assistant, the yard has progressed from its opening day and isa profitable institution.