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Plan to Increase Shingle Business
A recent communication from the Seattle offices of the One bundle packed l8xl8 courses is 36 courses @ lrAc... .. .5{c Red Cedar Shingle Bureau contains details of a splendid One bundle packed 13x14 courses is 27 courses @ Itlc.......n/zc plan for the retailer to increase his shingle business. Weather exposure depe'nds on length and docs not affect pnca
Mr.R. S. Whiting, secretary-manager ofthe Bureau, in his letter, states that,
"Re-shingling with new RED CEDAR SHINGLES over old wood shingtes has become so popular arnong lumber merchants in varioui quarters and so many inquiries have been received by this Bureau for information on this subject that we have prepared the attached material as a guide to those contemplating this line of activity.
Lumber merchants already engaged in this work have moved large quantities of shingles at a nice profit with very little effort other than a small amount of additional book-keeping.
Solicitors can easily be secured to work on a commission basis making a house to house canvass of homes requiring new roofs using the attached form of contract. These contracts are turned in to the yard when crews consisting of two men each are sen't to the job with shingles and nails sufficient to complete ttre work. ihese c.e*s aie paid from $2.00 upward per square for laving the shingles depending on the local wage scale.
-Fuither infoimation will be furnished bv this Bureau if requested."
Attached to the above letter were three sample sheets, one ofa model contract that can be used bythe salesman when signing up the new job, one is a schedule for reshingling over old roofs, and the other isa price list. They are reproduced herewith:
Please roof the..,.':.. .'...located at..............M using GENUINE RED CEDAR SHINGLES. (size)...... lrrown as........(Srade)...''...stained ...(color). and applied with RUST PROOF NA,ILS. ......(name of orrnier). .is the owner of the property to be roofed at the above address and will pay same after the completion of the roof at th€ rate of $.. .p€r square of 10x10 feet o'n the following basis:
In consideration of the pa.yment of the price and compltiance with the terms mentio,n€d herein, JONES & SMITH LUMBER & SHINGLE COMPANY guarantees to re{rder at its e:ip€ns€ any leaks in th,is roof within a period of .. .years from date hereof, provided such leaks are the results of poor material or workmanship or of ordinary conditions of the weather exposure. It is understood and agreed that this guaf,antee covers thc roof only and not any damage to btailding or contents or any leaks caused by tornad;oes, wind storms, fire or abuee.
Ttr'ere are no co'nditions or stiptrl,ations in cotrnoction with either the material, workmanship or completed job not spccifically rncntioned herein.
Thib agreemcnt is not valid until accepted by an official of the COMPANY. SIGNED.
(Th's order must b€ made in triplicate).
Applied over an oldi wood shringle roof or d'rectly on the sheathing after taking off the old shingtes.
One and one half cen* ([/)c) per course for all No. 2 grades. Onc and one qu:rrter cents (lYr6) Ir€r course for all No. I grade+ STAINING ADDITIONAL.
These prices cover guaranteed work only, including lifting and replacing old gutters when necessary, (no new guttering), and ap- plying valleys, ridgng flashing and edging seips, RUST PROOF NAILS ONLY TO BE USED.
One bundle packed 25x25 courses is 50 courses @ l%p.......75c
One bundle packed 20x20 courses is 40 courses @ l/rc,......60c sq. ft.
Perfections 18in. 5 in. lftin. I Bd'!. 20x20 llt/a sq. ft.
5-2 Pcrfects 16 in 7 in. 5 in. I BdL
Prenqiums 16 in. 7 in- 5 in. f BdI. 20x4 25 sq. ft.
Clears 16 in- 6 in. 2 in- I Bdl. 25x25 3f/4 eq. tt. Specials 16 in. 6 in.
N. B. Circular describing method of preparing old roof, and laying new shingies over old shingles may be ob,tained in quantily from RED CEDAR SHINGLE BUREAU-1045 FIRST NA,TIONAL BANK BLDG., CHICAGO, ILL., or 4455 STUART BLDG., SEATTLE, WASHINGTON.
The above prices should be checked for diffcrent localities before being quoted.
Size of nails required for reshingling work 6d for 24 in. Shingles-Sd fo,r 18 in- shingles.
Price List
All Pric-es are Complete p€r square (f0x10 ft.) Applied for Unstained Shingles.
Guarantecd New Old Life withRoofs Roofs Sidemalls out Repair
* fndicates grades especially recomrnended for the purpose. Note: We use RUST PROOF NAILS ONLY. These nails will not rust out during the life of the roof.
To estimate t-he number of squares in a roof, mcasure the width and length of the house outsrde the eaves in feet and multiply firgether then add one third. Thus: House 27 ft. x 50 ft. equals 1350 squarc feet Add one-third or 450 square feet for a total of f800 squarc feet. This ls eighteen square6. This is a general rule and is more or less accurate depend'ng on fre construction of the roof. STAINED SHINGLES make additional charge.
N. B. Above quotations used in large raiddle west city spring of 1925 are intended only to suggest method of furnishing conu par. sons.
Telephone Douglar 7815