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Goos Bay Lumber Go. B*y
Point, California
[Mills at Marshfield, Oregon]
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Su Frudo Corcn Ncthcn C:llf. rad Padfic Nrthregt
Subrcriptioa Pricc, f2.00 pGr Ycu Singh Copicl 25 ccntr crch.
How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir.-For eleven conrecrrtive weelc produc{ion reported by 228 identical lumbcr nillr to the Wc* Coad Lumbermen's A$ociation har becn bclow cuT€nt new budneu, oompletely reverring the podtion of thc indurtry drring the earlier part of the year. Thc eggrcgatc ordcrr received by there mills, during thie period-luly 19 to Ocfobcr 4:--exceeded the lumber ort by 5.87 pcr cent. Hwcvcr, according to the Arociation, during t[e pert l7 wcckr thc indutry har operated at an rvcnge oG 47.62 pcr cent of capacity. For tte weck ended Oct. 4 orden wcrc 1O.86 per cent over prod'uction and rhipmcntr 3.27 pa ccnt ovcr tAe output.
In the 19 weeke eincc May 24 a group of 35O millr reportrng to tte Auociation have reduced theh oubut by 851,048,0(n feet which repracntr ovcr dr full wccb of production for t[e entire lunrbcr indu.try in thc Dorglar 6r region of Oregon, Warhington and Britirh Cohmbb et prercnt operatingichedule.. Ar a conrcquence thc Arocietion recordr rhow a declinc in invcntoriee for tbc indurtry rince May 24 of 9.32 per cent.
The improvement in tte porition of thc indurtry, aooord' ing to the A$ociation, b due mootly to tbe fact thet lcr lumbcr har been made tban sold duing the reccnt period' thereby reducing tte fomer e:cecive dockr. Buying' while averaging for the year to drtc, ncerly 25 pcr ccnt lower than during the correrponding pcriod of 1929r reccotly hae been feirly atable, dI mdteb conddercd.
Production, orderr and rhipneotr at ttgc 228 nilb for the week ended Ocobcr 4 werc reportcd to thc Asociation ar followr: Production 116,556'tO5 fcct, Ordcn 129'2ltr' 816 feet and Shiprmnb 120'3651467 fccL
The Cdifornia fir market ehowed prectically no changc drring tte part two weekt and thcrc bar bccn q9 nr-onounccd increase in dernand. Rcbil rtockt erc low. Unrold trmbcr on the public doclrr at San Pcdro totaled I3'(N6'(X)O fcet on October 9. 53 lumber verelr in thc C,alifornie rcrwicc arc tieduP'
* * * * iF
For thc wcc& coded Scptcmbcr 27,lb C,alifornia lllhite and'Surer Ptne Manrfactrncn Arrociation reportcd produc' tion frin 19 milb 1?,O69'(X)O fect, rhiprncntr 13'725'(X)O
Walter Scrim Returns From Northwest Trip
Walter Scrim, Los Angeles, U. S. repreSentative for the Findlav Millar Timber Co., has returned from a two weeks' busineis trip to the Northwest where he called on the trade in the Por[land, Seattle, and Vancouver, B. C. districts.
fet ud ordcn l5r654r(Xlo ft Thc renc mbc of nilb rcportGd production 27 pa cGDt h..68 fa thc ocraeodirg weck brt yeu. Thc dcoud fc m piac itcnt gpccially factory dodr, h rcporcd to bc rhorbf irnprovad. Pinc prbcr erc holdiag *ody.
Redwood vohnc end Fic.. lcnrin rbout thc llnc. Thcrc b a good dcmrDd fc mrl gnda. TLc Clli, foroir Rcdrood Arotirtior ttpo*cd fc thc rct cldcd Seprcnbcr 27 prodrcfon frm f2 nillr u 49t5'mo ftlr' rhipmcutr q778,(XX) fect,.Dd orrdcn 6'2t9rqro ftGL Thc ranc numbcr of mi[+ in cooperiro rtL 6G rrre rcc] it 1929, rcportcd " a-"T -;l-!* of 21 pc ocd.
Lunbcr ordcn duing tbc rGGL erdcd ScOlobcr "7 crcecdcd e'roducdo by ebod 5 pcr ccAr rcor'&g-to repottr fron tSS tcrdiig brrduood end loftlood hbcr ni[r to thc Nrtiorl L@bcr Mudrcrcr Arodiion Sh?pncatr et Scrc dlr rcre 8 pc ot rbovc Dtoducdont rbicf, totrlcd 26t 950r(Xp CGGI, thc bttc bdicrfirg r Gmr tinuftry crrtdcd cc. I rcc|r:cerlflr S9O EAl rrDdbd ncw frrinco rbot cqprnAg thc cd of 2t01641'(m fiG.$ with rbipncob rbod 95 pcr ocd ltcrrof. Ercelbg c holidey-wccl, thcrc ere thc tro nod frvceblc rdir botwcca ordcn rDd eroductin hdi*d dFe Frbtuy. Ttc ccrcot tGlrdo&ie of [bm Dd ord.rl b plo' duaion for 6e frtt 39 rc& of 1980, r rcncted 0o SG Nationel Lrnbcr Mudrctrrcrr Arodetion by lf,G lcgim' al erlocieticl follorr:
Wc.t Corri l.mbcrnatr eni6r;-nnoduc6,m 5r688'930 M fect; Shbncotr 5'5tl'666 t ftcri Ordcrr 5,543,t34 M fGGLCrtfuomia Whitc rnd Sorrr Phc lludectrcrr Asodr' tion-Production 75&O55-M fod; !5ipd ?t24l26 n fcc; Ordcn 7t3'l5t M ftGL
Cl|fcnl Rclrogd Arocbida'-f,rodirdo 2%Al M fcct; Shipncotr 243'430 M ft*l (hdcil 2!$$9.q-fc{
Souhcrn- Pinc Arirbtftn-Ploduioo 2'f6f'616 U fcct; Shipncotr 21027r&34 M fccf; Odcrr I"9OO'2CO U fcct
Totrl Herdrood>hodudi<n 1'6aa'1?0-U -ftr; !Sb' ncotr 1,330'340'M fccf; Ordco t,r25l4;0||i2 M ft-.
C. Hexberg, lJnion Lumber Company, San Francisco, is a Southern ealifornia visitor. He made the trip to San Diego on one of the company's- boat_s, and. after spending a few days with C. M. Adams, their San Diegg repre-s€ntative, he plans to visit the comPany's Los Angeles office.