4 minute read
"Orly the Piston movestt
Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity.
Weights 10 to 2o lbs.
Priced at tlOO and up.
Electrlc Drltrrr Atf Sfzcr
Portablc Gr{nderr and Bcnch Ty?cr
GoncrcGe Surtoocm
Strand Flcdble Sbsftr and Eqnlpneot
Efeccrfc nand tawr
Sandcm . Pofuhcm . Bultcrt
If e job cm br done rith en Gtcctric tool--*r hrvr it
3O8 Bert 3rd St. Mutud 7504 Lor Anr:lcr
Tools Rented
YOU INCREASE your-, burinesr in two weyr by handling Truron Metal Lathr. First, you open up a new marlet for ralec. Second, you entarge your prerent martet for lumber by providing 6reproofing for it. Trurcon Metal Lathr are a complete line manuJactured in Californie and rtoc&ed in local Trurcon warehourer. Vrite for full information.
Paciic Coast Factory, Lor Angeler
Los Angclcs, Calif. - 5,180 E. Slauson Avc.
San Francisco, Calif. - 74 New Montgomery St.
Seattlc, Wash. - 310-3ll Seaboard Bldg.
Portland, Orc. - 449-457 Kerby St.
(Thc CIqrinS Houn)
This Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon
The Fellow \Mho Wants to BuY
The Fellow Who'Wants to Sell
Retes t2.50 p cofurnn inch
The Fellow Who \Mants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing MiIl Machinery for sale. All modern, nem 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 18(X) Industrial St., Lc Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike E,$60.
Attention Lumbermen
Just starting a chain of small lumber yards. If you are tired of being a Poll Parrot and being jipped out of your bonus and want to use your own initiative, be your own boss, get on the band wagon. All managers must invest in their yard they manage. Your money secured one hundred per cent on the dollar. All correspondence strictly confid'ential. For further information "ddt.st Box C-35i California Lumber Merchant.
wanted-Hardwood lf*il::Sesman acquainted with trade in Los Angeles and vicinity. Twohy Lumber Co., 729 Petroleum Securities Bldg.
Of The California Lumber Mctchaot, publishcd Scmi-moathly at Ios Angeles, Califomia, for Octobcr l, 1930. Statc of Califomia l.Courty of Iar Angeles, l"' Bclore mc, a Notary Fublic in end for thc Statc end couaty dor3raid, persmally appeared J. E. Martin, rho, haviag bcen duly rlon according to law, deporcr and rayr thet he ir tbe MrnrSilg Editor of Thc California Lumbcr Mcrchant. atrd that thc followinc is, to thc bcst of his lcnowlcdge and bclicf, i true statcment of tha omership, management (and if a daily paper, thc circulation), ctc., of ttc rfcc. raid publication for thc date sbown in the above eptim, requircd by the Act of August A, 1912, cmbodied in section 4ll, Postel l:rr &nd Rcgulations. Drirted on thc rcvcrsc of tbis forn, to rit: - l. That thc rCmca and eddrcsser of tbc publisber, cditor, nelrtiat -cditor. and buaincrs man:gera are: Publigher, J, C. Dionnc, 318 Ccatrel Bldg., Iar Angeles; Editoi, J. C. Dionnc,38-Ccntral Bldg., Loe Aageles; Maaaging &litor, J. E. Martir, 318 Certral Bldg., Los Angrles; Business Managcrr, Noac.
2. That thc owncr is: (If owncd by e corporation. itg nroe rnd addrcss murt bc statod aad also immCdiatclv-tbcrcundcr tbe nancs and addrcgscs of rtoclholdcrg owring or holdiirg oac Der ccnt or norc of total amount of stock. If not o*ncd by a -corporition. tbe naoct and addrccses of thc individual owncrl muat bc giiel. If orncd by I 6ro, compauy, or othcr unincorlrcretcd coacernr itr ntmc end address, as wcll as those of each individual member, muet be given.)
J. C. Dionne, 318 Cotral Bldg., Los Augclcg. Cdif.
3. That thc krowl boodholdere, Eortgagces, ud other rccurity holders owning or holding I per ccnt'or moic of t6tal amount of bondt-. mortgager, or other securitics arc: (If there arc aonc. ao rtetc.) Noae.
{. That the two paragrapbr lcrt abovc. rivinr'thc ornci of thc ownerr, atoctholdcrr, and sccurity boldcre.'if roi. conteia aot oalr thc lilt of stockholdcrr and cecudty'holdcrr u tf,dy aoocer uoon th-c books of the conpany but elso. il cercr rhcre ihc - itoclhritdcr or lccgrity holdcr a-ppcqrr upoa -thc books of ttc conprny ar trultcc or in any othcr fduciary ielation. thc name of tbc trcrron or GorDora. tion for whoo cuch trustec is ecting, ir givctr; rllo-thrt thc rrid tto paragraphs contain ltatcmentr cmbrlcing-ef6ent'r full kootlcdrc rod bclief as to tbe circumstanccr aad conditlonr undcr lhich rtclholdcrt and rccurity holdcre who do not sDDcar uDot thc bookt of tbe comour .! trusteca, hold rtock and rccuritiis in a caoecity otbcr thrn thrt-of i bonr 6dc orner; end thi! afti3ot hac no sceron to'believe that rny other pcrroa, arlociation. or corDoration has ary intcrclt direct or indirect il ihc raid ltocl, bodd!. or othcr cecuriticc-tbao ar so rtated bv him.
5. That thc averagc number of copicr ol eech imuc of tlis oubli. cation sold or distributcd. through thc neib or otbcrrise. to- oaid rubrcribers during thc eix monthJ grcccdint tbc detc ehowo'abovl h (fhic infomatior ir required fronr daily publicrtironc oaly.)
I. E. IfiARTIN. Manacioc &litor. Sworn to and subscribcd bcfore mc this 3otb day of Scptembir,-1930. TSEAL] TREDA R. PAULSON. (My omnissim expires Aug. f8, f934.)
Of the Indepcndcot Furniture Uanufacturing Co., Plant at f6U S. McGarry. Phone-WEstmore 05dl
5El0 So. Notrnandie, Los Angeles Phone, VE. 9256
A thoroughly experienced retailer, age 39, wants position. Last ihree yeirs employed as -lrard manager of retail yard carrying $56,CX)0 stoik. - Also iirterested ii wholesale tonnection, particularly in selling. Address Box 352, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Yard Uanager Wants Connection
Experienced yard manager wants connection as manager -assistant manager----or collector of countr;l or su-burban yard. Has record for creating business and cotlecting what he sells. Ten years' experience with same firm and has request to return at any time. Is thirty-six y_ears of age, mirried, speaks German fluentlv, and some Norwegian. Address Box C-353, California Lumber Merchant.
Responsible, experienced retail lumber satesman and estimator, office or yard, desires connection. Will work two weeks gratis to qualify. Have managed linc faf4l -A:l references. Salary reasonable. Address Box C-354, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
LUMBER YARD ANd PI.ANING MILL et Ba|rcnfidd' clff.
Vill diaoae of entire rtock of llmbcr, .Win{oy*
Doors Hardwarc and Paint, dbo Macbincry and OGcc Equipmcat
Property on Sout[crn Paci6c hrarc-Vcry
Small Rentd
WILL SELL BY T'NIT OR TN FT'I.L purchasing floor seroiceability when asset in making the Builders of homes for sale newly built homeunusually find this flooring a valuable attractive to the buyer.
Home buyers and builders,after all, are they come to consider floors.
For many.years,-Lgng--Egll trade-marked oak flooring has given beauty, econoffiy, service and durability to American homes.
Dealers are certain of ready acceptance of l-ong-Bell trade-marked oak flooring-a qrofit-making suggestion.