2 minute read

Buys Interest in Hardwood Business

James J. Cline has joined forces with Geo. F. Weis and l:as bo_ught an interest in the Geo. F. Weis Lumber Co,.,ge9 East 59th Street, Los Angeles. They are building a'new modern plant which will be just across the streit from their present location. The new warehouse will be 250 feet long and 65 feet in width. They will be in their new plant on December 1.

They will carry a full line of hardwoods specializine in oak flooring manufactqled by the Texas Oak Flooiing Co. of Dallas, Texas. Mr. Cline has been connected witf, thi lumber business in LosAngeles for a long period, 1nd_ w3s forme^rly^ manager of thJ flooring depariment foi E. J. Stanton & Co.

Wisconsin and northern Michigan show no signs of change. Texas also falls into this g.oup- and slight dedreases ur. Irrdicated for Idaho, Montarl'a and Wyom"ing.

. As compared with August the volume of business done by retail dealers in September increased as a whole. It decreased a little in o_ne district, southern Mi.chigan. it remained static in _ New_ England, pittsburgh, -Central Northwest, Texas, New Orlean-s, south Rocky-Mountains, t-acrtlc northwest and California districts. There were 3light increases in all other districts except up-State New York, which registered a substantial inciease. With the exception of the St. I ouis district, industrial consumption is ex_pected to remain stationary or increase slightiy in October. Retail lumber_ stocks are reported on S;pte;b;; I 19.90, a,s 7.2- pe.rcent lower than on September'1, 1929. Retail prices declined slightly in September.

., Th. slump in reside-ntial building continuecl throughout the country rn September, with the exception of metropoli_ tan^New York, but slight increases are eipected in Octbber rn hve areas. Building loans are di{fi,cult to secure from banks in all districts exlept St. Louis and California.

Oakland Hardwood Man Spreads Optimism

The first thing that strikes the eye of the visitor on en_ tering the office of the G. H. Brown Hardwood Co.. of Oakland, is the following printed notice:


George H. Brown, president of this company, feels sure that the bottom of the business depression' has been reached, and that business generally is now on the up_ grade, so he thinks that it is ; good thing to remind body of the fact.


Vestern LoggilSl flq!:" and Vood Using Industry.

1930 Edition Now Ready

Covers all states West of the Rockies, British Columbia, Alaska, Philippines and Ffawaii, rndustries include Logging operations, Saw ltills, slingl9 Millg, r/oodworkers, rzood preserving pLants, Manufacturer3 of Bores and Bo:r shooks, cross.Arms, Sash, Doors, Frames, Hlndles, r*cltqor, V4;-a;;-"-r"!;,-d;;;; pulp-and paper, Lumber !7holesale., *:*: Buvers, companv General siores, comp"'t H";i; c"ip' b-ii-irr".i"", i"mf -M;; n""-raiie rr.,ir* "J'6o...y com-isAbbey's Register is not rimply a. directory of leadin-g operations, but lists. both-large and s,rnall; consequently, it contains approximatcly loovo mote names than anv similar book published. Th""re-"te -.i" rpt"iirl-""riii!-;iJ t;;;g opportunitieo among the small and rnedium sized operations.

Abbey's Register shows personnel, capacity, equipme:rt, species of wood sawed and all other information necessary to enable the reller to select Prospects intelligenily, and.buyeirs to pl"-'ce'order" irJ Lq"itiJri,irt ."n understandil8 of what the mill can cupply.

Otder your copy today.

Abbey's, with its t28. pages and over to,ooo lirtirrgr,;J;--.i;;;.booft" of ,h";;:;-S.;;rn Lumber fndustry.


Sherlocl Building Portlandr Orcgon

Sub.,bt,nE For vour cotF s rderation thihomgbeautiful. lhe verv latesb rn modern hsne construc[ion. NoLe [he atbractive lerrae, the entry.wibh large clorb fpacro:, s .l ivt n$ t'oom. sunnY bneatsta,sL alco\r€, cofnpacE hitchen and utrlibv shower bath. AlloF bhese hitures are harsed withrn a mos[ fleaslng exterior.

Some one in youf trade territory will walrt to hdld 6is honc. LoceA 6c prmpcct and let this plan scll meteri.ls for you'

Plans fot this atcactivc homc cea bc f"-itia by th" Lumbertnen's Service Association

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