3 minute read
and Seruice
ed for unusual demands . organized for out-of-ordinary service to the retail
Hammond's sales departments are gearlumber trade.
Manufacturing facilitiessources of supply-stocks on hand . . all features of Hammond's service. And behind these factors is a quality standard that has so prominently identified Hammond products for a quarter of a century.
They have killed in this ancient town (Jerusalem), killed until every alley was fooded with blood. Not a wall in all this maze of walls but has rung with the groans of the dying. Skulls beyond counting have been cracked on these flags; throats unnumbered have been slit in these dark doorways. They've murdered, and pillaged, and raped in this old holy town till now it is all but one Golgotha, one bloody Hill of Skulls. And if you would know why, you need only look into the eyes of these hurrying phantoms. Readily they will tell you; explicitly. Men haVe sl,aughtered and ravished in Jerusalem because they had-religion. Men have gouged eyes and ripped bellies because they had -believed. Believed in what? In God? Hardly. No, they have believed only in mere vocables-Yahveh, Christ, or Allah; those vocables that are the fingers wherewith men try to point to God. Strange potency this thing we call religion. It has made man do barbarities quite beyond the reaches of credence. For it men have done foulnesses below the foulness done even by beasts. Yet for it dso men have done benevolences such as transcend the benevolences of angels. If men have killed and died for religion, men have also lived for it. Not merely for it, but by it. That cowering Jew slinking in the shadow of the archways sloughs off his terror and becomps a king when he enters his synagogue. His bent shoulders straighten, his sagging knees become firm, and the blessedness of peace lightens his eyes. That blind Arab beggar, a mere frame of bones hung over with smelling rags, becomes a sultan when he stands at prayer in his mosque. He stands there healed of his ailments; he bbcomes a changed man, with a vision reaching beyond his world to Paradise. That dark-eyed Syrian girl, poor trull whose lips have caressed the fesh of twenty races, becomes clean once more when she kneels at the feet of the virgin. Strength foods into her tortured bones, healing comes to her flesh. Strange potency, this thing we call religion. It came into man's world untold centuries ago, and it is still in man's world today. It is still there, deep and tremendous: a mighty draught for a mightier thirst, a. vast richness to fill a vaster need- No matter where one turns in time or space, there it is inescap. :ibly. Wherever ttere is a man, there there seems to be also a spirit or God; wherever there is human life, there is also faith. One wonders about it. What is it, this thing we call Religion? Whence did it come? And why? And how? What was it yesterday? What is it today? And what will it become tomorrow?
(Lewis Browne in "This Believing World.")
She Lost
The teacher was testing the knowledge of the kindergarten class. Slapping a coin sharply on the desk, she asked-"\Mhat is that?"
'Tails," said a voice from the back row.
Iiore Dicttonary Rtvisions
EPIGRAU-Any remark madc by a man worth mct than a million.
SPECIALIST-Uan in a white coat wto can say'Fiftt/ Dollars Pleasc" without blushing.
HOME-The little used building that stands oD thc ram. l,ot with tte garage.
Watch every stcp, ye artbts
TaLr care lest you should trip And fall into tbe waiting arrns Of modern censorship.

Hide thou each thought of love, of ser, Of art ye must hwarc. Keep down, yc must not scale ttc hcighA; The censor watcheth ttcrc.
Let wisdom rot within thy brain"
Yank out its tooth at @GG. Become the god of censorship; A meek and lowly duncc.
-Erlc D. Parhcr.
"Boy," said thc old convict to tbc ncwsotncr,'thco docr youall git out?"
ttDe fust."
"De fust o'what?"
"De fust chance Ah gits."
A well known wcatern univcrsity professor saSn that a student can considcr himsclf cducatcd rfrca bc cian answ6 "Ycs" to each of these questions:
"Has your education given 5rcu a sympathy for all good causes?"
"Has it made you a protccting brothei to thc wc.LP
"lfave you learned how to make fricbds and hccp thcrn?"
"Can you look an honest man or a purc ,wottren sEaight in the eye?"
"Do Srou see an5zthing to love in a litile child?"
"Are you good for anything yrcurself?"
"Can you be happy alone, with only your thoughtr for company?"
"Can you look into a mud puddle, and see anything inthc muddle but mud?"