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R. H. Morehouse Appointed Sec.-Treas. Nat. Ass'n of Wooden Box frs.
R. H. Morehouse succeeded Paul L. Grady as secretarytreasurer of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers September 1. Mr. Grady resigned to accept a position with the Mead Sales Company.
Mr. Morehouse formerly was manager of the Pacific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers with offices at San Francisco, Cal. He ltad served in that capacity since January 7, 1927, soon after the Pacific Coast wooden box manufacturers joined the national organization as agroup. His entire business career has been in the lumber industry, serving on the staffs of retail lumbermen's associations in various parts of the country and later with the Sugar Pine Sales Company at San Francisco.
Mr. Morehouse was a Major in the U. S. Army during the World 'War, serving eighteen months overseas. He is now a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Reserve Corps.
A. H. Gordon has been appointed acting manager of the Pacific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers.
F. Van Damme
Charles F. Van Damme, president of San Raphael Ferry and Transportation mer San Francis'co'lumberman, died in San Francisco, September 25.
Mr. Van Damme, who was 57 years of age, was associated with Oliver J. Olson and Andrew F. Mahoney in the lumber business in San Francisco for about 20 vears. and altogether spent 35 years of his life in this busineis.
I{e was also well known in Central and Northern California for his gift of a 4O-acre tract for a recreational center at Fort Bragg.
Mr. Van Damme is survived by his widow, a sister and a brother.
' T. H. Baxter & Co. have completed the construction of a nJru retort for treating commircial wood products with creosote at their Long Beach, Calif. plant. The new retort is 8 feet wide and 137 feet long. J. H. Baxter & Co. have offices at San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Paul Penberthy Returns From Arizona Trip
, Paul Penberthy, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a several days' business trip to Arizona where he was calling on the trade.