2 minute read
Fageol to Bring Out New Light Model Truck on Production Basis
The Fageol Motors Company is ready to announce a new ton and a half motor truck of complete Fageol design and engineering at a price less than $1,000.00, according to a recent statement made by Theodore R. Bill, vice-president in charge of sales. The Fageol Motors Company, large manufacturers and marketers of motor trucks and Safety Coaches in the west, have l3 direct factory branches on the Pacific Coast and inter-mountain territories.
In his statement Mr. Bill presented th'e policies of the Fageol Motors Company as they related to the contemplated expansion of the Fageol line of motor vehicles. Mr. Bill said, "It is our firm belief, after 14 years of experience in manufacturing motor trucks and Safety Coaches to meet the special needs of western truck owners and operators, that only a western truck manufacturer can appreciate the needs and operating conditions under which the western business man must operate his motor equipment. It is, therefore, necessary to build a manufacturing and service organization especially geared for these unique western requlrements.
"In the inter-mountain and Pacific Coast territories motor trucks are forced to operate under adverse road and driving conditions. Travel is necessary over desert roads in terrific heat, or freezing temperature and snorv at high alti-
Clovis Lumberman Back From Northwest Trip
J. G. Ferguson, president of the Clovis Lumber Co., Clovis, accompanied by Mrs. Ferguson, visited San Francisco recently on the way home from a trip to the Northwest.
New Yard At Santa Cruz
J. B. Maher, recently with the Monterey Bay Redwood Co. as salesman, and formerly engaged in the lumber business at Santa Cruz, has opened a new yard in Santa Cruz. Mr. Maher is also a former mayor of the city.
tudes, or with heavy loads up steep mountain grades and over rugged mountain roads. It is easily appreciated that motor trucks must be especially designed and engineered to meet such gruelling treatment.
"A great number of thousands of Fageol owners have urged us to build a lighter weight truck than we have manufactured heretofore. There is a constant and widespread demand for a ton and a half motor in the $1,000.00 price class. We have never built a truck down to this price. Our specialty has been semi and heavy duty equipment. During the past five years we have carried on extensive experiments and tests with the view in mind of manufacturing on a quantity production basis a ton and a half truck on the same principles of engineering and sturdy construction that have been our standard since the beginning.
"We believe that we have a responsibility as a western manufacturer to increase employment as much as possible, and through aggressive marketing methods, contribute to the successful expansion of western industrial development. With these thoughts in mind, we have diligently set to work to meet our objective and it is our expectation to make an announcement to western truck buyers within the course of a very few weeks that will be a real contribution to their trucking problems."
Wisconsin Door Manufacturer Visits San Francisco
Nathan Paine, head of the Paine Lumber Co., Oskosh, Wis., large manufacturers of doors, was a recent visitor to San Francisco. Mr. Paine is also a director of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, Toledo, Ore.
Earl D. Evans has been appointed manager of the Hayward Lumber & fnvestment Co. yard at Banning, Calif. Mr. Evans has been connected with the comPany for the past twelve years.
Do You Know That
We can furnish Mircd C-an of Redwood llmber, Shinglcr, ShaLcc with all kinds of Split Redwood and Pi[ng, and with Douglas Fir llmbcr]
Doo3lu Fir, Rodroo{ ac.
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