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[f. S. ForestServiceOpens Sixth .r: Annual Ranger School

The U. S. Forest Service opened its sixth annual training school for Forest rangers of the California Region at tbi Feather River Experiment Station near Quincy, Plu"las County, October 6. In addition to the 26 Forest Service officers who will be given a six weeks' course of study r1 the principles and policies underlying the protection and administration of the national forest resources of timber' forage, water and recreation, will be two students each from the National Park Service, State Division of Forestry, Los Angeles County Forestry Department, and one from the State Division of Fish and Game. fnstruction by lectures and field work will be given by specialists and heads of the departments of the regional forester's office, San Francisco. and the California Forest Experiment Station, Berkeley. Peter Keplinger, in charge.of training activities of the Forest Service rvith headquarters in Wishington, D. C., will assist in thb instruction. Attending the school from other national forest regions are W. W. White, Missoula, Mon, tana; S. F. Wilson, Albuquerque, N. M.; Dana Parkinson, Ogden, Utah; and A. H. Hofuson, Portland, Oregon.

Those attending the school from the national forests in California are:

H. C. Ames, Angeles; M.W. Durham, California; M. D. Morris and W. Moran, Eldorado; H. H. Simpson, Inyo; S. R. Wallace, Klamath; L. B, Burkett and S. C. Smith, Lassen; J. C. Davis, Modoc; H. A. Kloppenburg and H. F. Wilcox, Plumas; W: M. Meier and H. C. Robe, San Bernardino; P. C. Case, Santa Barbara; R. S. Beard and W. M. Snider, Sequoia; W. H. Spargo, G. R. Heryford and C. C. Buck, Shasta; W. E. Nelson and W. V. Jones, Sierra; H. P. Struble and B. E. Parsons, Stanislaus; T. M. Tyrrell and H. I. Snider, Tahoe; and F. W. Grover, Trinity, together with I. D. Kerr, Sequoia National Park; Oscar frwin, Yosemite National Park; and E. P. Biggs, Placerville, and R. W. Wood, Bakersfield, of the State Division of Forestry; A. A. Jordan, Susanville, State Division of Fish

-Adeline M. Connor. Connor. H lnd Game; R. Percy and Pierre Daries, Los Angrles County ll forestry Department. ,h

9AKLAND LSMBERMAN RETSRN5 FRqM JSABTN CARR Now WITH STERLIN9 LI'IBER co. vAcArroN rRrp - u now associated with the sterring land, and Mrs. Hogan returncd recently from a vacation trip in the course oi which they spe-nt some time at Tahoe i"'.rr.rn, Lake Taho", ."J nirii.a'C..r"t City,-Ritto a''d

T1:*';"1lu,,ft::n':1,i"fi:'"{1:tl,lt: r. p. Hogan, Jr., ;;.;;;;il;. p. Hogan co., oak-

MAX COOK BACK FROU TRIP Virginia City, Nevada. Mr. Hogal rlports liaving t.,-"d 1 Max E. Cook, head_of-the Agricultural Service departmo& enjoyabie time, which included playing iome-golf and ment of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, aoi"g s6rie fishing, as well as a viiit io tfre well=-known returned October ll from a week's ficld trip in the Sbn Calniva Lodge, on"'the California-Nevada border. Joaquin Valley.

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